- Close to 50 presentations in discussion-oriented sessions (short presentations with few slides and at least half of each session devoted to group discussion, breakout work and summary later presented to larger group)
- Practitioners from three continents as keynote speakers
- Community workers and social entrepreneurs from India, Tanzania, and Uganda who grew up in subsistence contexts (as presenters and resource persons for workshop sessions)
- Junior scholar mentoring workshop on (please contact Srini (Junior) at [log in to unmask])
- Poverty simulation exercise conducted by a superb team of U of Illinois Extension specialists
- Movie showing about a woman in a subsistence context who empowers herself through the marketplace (Shakti Rising - a movie that won honorary mention at an LA film festival)
- Interactive, immersive workshops on research, curricular innovations, and social innovations
- Panel on commercial innovations
- Round Table UnSession (Participants' choice of topics)
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Madhu Viswanathan for the team
Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative: