Dear Colleagues,

Below is the final call for paper of AIE 2014 conference, could you please circulate to the AIB community?

Many thanks



LAST CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline May 30, 2014

Beijing, China
September 5-7, 2014


May  30th is the deadline for full papers submissions for AIE 2014


We are sending you the last call for the AIE 2014 conference : The 7th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Beijing,China. September 5th-7th, 2014).

Submission of Full Papers:  May 30th, 2014

Notification of Acceptance: June 30th, 2014

Final Registration:              August 30th, 2014


The objective of the AIE 2014 conference is to gather together decision makers (government, ministries and state agencies), innovation or entrepreneurship experts (universities, research and development centres, technology transfer centers, start-up centres) and practitioners(SMEs, business incubators and business support organisations) to generate discussion and exchange on the potential of entrepreneurship promotion and innovation to national and regional competitiveness.

There is significant interest from both permanent and, by new participants in this conference.We are sure that we will continue the good tradition and a friendly atmosphere among the participants.
Please find
Call for the conference. More information you can find on .

We are looking forward to welcome you in China .

Sincerely yours,


AIE Program Committee
National Entrepreneurship Research Center, Tsinghua University
Tel: 86-10-62789757; Fax:  86-10-62789757

Email: [log in to unmask]


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