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Dear colleagues


You might be interested in this edited book:

Al Ariss, A. 2014. Global Talent Management: Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities Cham: Springer.

ISBN: 978-3-319-05124-6 (Print) 978-3-319-05125-3 (Online)



This book bridges the research and practice of global talent management. It opens important theoretical and practical avenues to understand the concept internationally while focusing on developing and emerging countries. Chapters derive from various geographic regions and embrace cross-national, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspectives. An open and inclusive approach is used in assessing the challenges of global talent management, strategies to overcome these challenges, and in charting opportunities for future talent management. These three dimensions are crucial to academic researchers and business practitioners for envisioning a positive future role of talent management in businesses and societies.


Best regards

Akram Al Ariss, PhD

Professor of Human Resource Management

Habilité ŕ Diriger des Recherches (HDR)

Toulouse Business School, France


Associate Editor for Career Development International

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