

*** Apologies for cross postings ***

Dear friends,

Please consider submissions to a special issue on:
Current challenges and future prospects of entrepreneurship in Nordic and Baltic Europe.

Shneor, Rotem - University of Agder, Norway -  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Jenssen, Jan Inge - University of Agder, Norway -  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Vissak, Tiia - University of Tartu, Estonia -   [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

The special issue will be published with Emerald's Baltic Journal of Management (BJM). The journal has an impact factor of 0.359.
For journal details please see:
-Call text:

Submission deadline: 1 December 2014*
Expected publication: 2016

*The editorial team recommends earlier submission of short abstracts prior to full paper submission for initial review and constructive commentary.

In recent years, economies worldwide are witnessing the emergence of new business models within entrepreneurial realms, new funding mechanisms and platforms, new international scopes of activities, new ways of organizing ventures, as well as greater varieties of venture types spanning both commercial and socially driven initiatives. This special issue will address current challenges and future prospects for entrepreneurship, while contextualizing them particularly within Nordic and Baltic Europe.
Northern Europe while commonly characterized as relatively entrepreneurship-friendly in international comparisons, still faces challenges in terms of start-up costs, availability of venture capital, relatively low engagement levels of women in entrepreneurial activities, as well as limited scalability of operations and growth in the long term. Hence, studies examining related challenges and how various players in the entrepreneurial eco-systems attempt at dealing with them are of particular interest to the current special issue.
It must also be acknowledged that differences between the Nordic and Baltic regions, as well as among Nordic and Baltic countries within these regions persist. These differences are evident in terms of cultural perceptions of entrepreneurship, institutional mechanisms for the promotion of entrepreneurship, structural barriers to entrepreneurship, dynamics of entrepreneurial eco-systems, challenges of venture funding and market development, etc. Hence, cross-cultural and cross-country comparisons of various elements, dynamics and players that are engaged in the Nordic and Baltic entrepreneurial eco-systems are of key interest in the current issue.

Suggested themes:
Themes covered under the special issue may relate, but are not limited to the themes listed below. While the suggested themes are presented under a general formulation it is important to stress that papers will need to focus on realities in the Nordic and Baltic contexts in particular.

Entrepreneurship among critical groups:
-Drivers and barriers for female entrepreneurship growth;
-Drivers and barriers for immigrant entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship education:
-Role and effects of entrepreneurship education programs - comparative studies across countries, types of institutions, types of programs/modules, types of audiences, etc.
Entrepreneurship ecosystems:
-Cross-country, cross-region, and cross-region comparative studies on structure, effect, and dynamics of relations among stakeholders in entrepreneurial ecosystems.
-Role and effects of state policies and schemes on entrepreneurship growth and performance.
-Role and effects of university-industry collaborations in spanning out start-ups.
Entrepreneurial finance:
-Role and effects of national and regional public funding mechanisms for entrepreneurship.
-Role and effects of angel investors and angel investor networks.
-Crowdfunding uptake among professional and non-professional investors - reasons, motivations, barriers, etc.
-Crowdfunding uptake among entrepreneurs - reasons, motivations, barriers, etc.
-Drivers and barriers for venture capital investments and growth.
Entrepreneurial networks:
-Role and effects of entrepreneurial networks.
-Networks and networking in entrepreneurial contexts.
International entrepreneurship:
-Drivers of success and failure of born global firms and international new ventures.
-Internationalization processes of family firms and immigrant-owned enterprises.
-Effects of entrepreneurial networks on new ventures' international expansion.
-Internet-enabled internationalization of born global firms and international new ventures.
Varieties of entrepreneurship:
-Comparative studies of commercial, social, and non-profit entrepreneurial models.
-Comparative studies of high growth vs. low growth ventures.
-Comparative studies of product-focused versus service-focused ventures.
-Comparative studies of young versus mature entrepreneurs - motivations, strategic choices, success and performance, etc.
-Is there a unique Nordic/Baltic/Northern European entrepreneurial model?
-How is Nordic/Baltic culture(s) conducive or non-conducive to entrepreneurship?
-Cross-cultural studies of perceptions about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.

Submission deadline:
To be considered for publication in the special issue full manuscripts should be submitted by December 1, 2014. However, it is recommended that authors send an abstract to the editors prior to submission to ensure the relevance and receive preliminary feedback in good time before the submission deadline.
Anticipated publication date of the special issue is 2016.
To nominate a reviewer, volunteer to review, or obtain additional information, please contact the editors of the special issue.

Manuscript submission:
Authors should submit their manuscripts through ScholarOne Manuscripts Manuscripts should be prepared following the author guidelines
All articles will be double-blind peer reviewed by at least two anonymous referees.
For more information about the submission process please contact us on [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Conference paper considerations:
Top rated relevant papers submitted to the 7th Annual EuroMed Academy of Business Conference, hosted 18-19 September 2014 in Kristiansand, Norway (<>), will be considered for publication in the special issue.

Finally, we would be grateful if you could distribute this call further to your networks.
Best regards,


Rotem Shneor

Associate Professor
Tel. +(47) 38142311  I Mob.+(47) 91783225  I E-Mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

School of Busienss and Law
Centre for Entrepreneurship
Department of Strategy and Mangement

Nordic Crowdfunding Alliance<>

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