

Reminder: Call for Papers 2015

Yearbook of Market Entry Advisory 2015
Communication in International Business

Edited by Alexander Tirpitz & René R. Schleus

Companies from all industries and countries increasingly internationalize their activities. Besides geographical and cultural close countries, especially emerging markets in Asia, MENA and Latin America are major destinations. In contratry, also companies from emerging economies like China or India are becoming more and more important sources of FDI in industrialized countries like the US or Germany. However, going international is usually a big challenge for many firms: Language, cultural differences or market entry project management are only some of these challenges. The study Market Entry Advisory Monitor 2013 has shown that communication is still a major pitfall in international business. The ongoing globalization of markets and the available technologies facilitating quick and efficient communication at anytime seem to make communication in international business even more challenging. Therefore, the Yearbook of Market Entry Advisory 2015‘s guiding topic is Communication in International Business. This includes all kinds of competencies, strategies and technologies employed by multinational companies for their internal and external communication in international business.

The editors welcome scholary contributions as well as analytical contributions by practitioners focussing on communication activities of internationalizing or already internationally acting companies. This includes but is not limited to:

Contributions can be either conceptual or based on findings from empirical studies/research projects or case studies concerned with the internationalization of firms. All papers have to contribute findings or new knowledge which is of practical value for multinational companies.

Proposals (1 – 2 pages) in English or German language including name(s) of the author(s) and contact details have to be submitted to the editors via email to [log in to unmask] by April 28, 2015. Further inquiries can also be addressed to this email address.

Notifactions about the acceptance of submitted proposals will be sent before May 30, 2014.

Accepted contributions have to be completed and submitted until August 1, 2014. You will receive a detailled author‘s guide together with the notifaction of acceptance. The book will be published in the beginning of 2015.

Download CfP as PDF


Recently Published

Yearbook of Market Entry Advisory 2014

Asia & Eastern Europe as a Source and Destination of Companies’ Internationalization

Edited by Alexander Tirpitz & René R. Schleus


ISBN 978-3-8442-4835-7 (Hardcover)
Language: German/English

The Yearbook of Market Entry Advisory 2014 provides unique and comprehenisve insights into the market entries and and the development of companies in geopraphically new markets. Focus of this year’s issue are market entries of Asian and Eastern European companies in Germany as well as the market entries of European companies in Eastern Europe and Asia.

More than twenty well-respected researchers, consultants and entrepreneurs contributet latest research findings, case studies and practical experiences deriving from the fields of Strategy, Marketing & Communication, M&A, Business Relationship Management, Tax & Leagl and Human Resources.

Morover, the Yearbook exclusively contains the results of the Market Entry Advisory Monitor 2013 – a study conducted by the German Center for Market Entry (GCME) and SMF Schleus Marktforschung. With a so far unique approach the study analyzed experiences, requirements and needs of Multinational Enterprises (MNE) and provides invaluable findings concerning their collaboration and satisfaction with law firms, tax accountants and managment consultants.

In consequence, the target readership of the Yearbook are MNEs and companies currently going international as well as law firms, consultants and foreign investment promotion agencies, but also scholars and students in the field of International Business.

Order the Yearbook online now.


Alexander Tirpitz
M.A. Geschäftsführer

German Center for Market Entry UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Sitz: c/o Freie Universität Berlin | Malteserstr. 74 – 100 | D-12249 Berlin
Büro Berlin-Mitte: Charitéstr. 5 | D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 30604193 
| PC-Fax: +4932224178986 | Mobil: +49 179-9451023 | Skype: alextirpitz
Email: [log in to unmask]" style="color: purple; ">[log in to unmask] | Web:

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg (Berlin) | HRB128136B
Geschäftsführung: Alexander Tirpitz
Steuernr. 29/439/11023 | USt-ID-Nr. DE272941680

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