


My name is Seneca McKinzie and I am the current President of the MSU Students for Fair Trade Club. We are having our annual bash this coming Thursday, April 10 from 6:30-8:30pm on the first floor of MSU's International Center. 

Our event will be an educational tour of what Fair Trade is and how you can support the movement in the Lansing area. We will have tables representing ELFCO, Kirabo, the Anti-Sweatshop Club on Campus, and the Anti-Human Trafficking Club on Campus. Our guest speaker this year is Jen Moran, founder of Greenola Fair Trade Style out of Chicago. She will be speaking on starting and sustaining her Fair Trade fashion business.

We will leave room for questions and discussion afterwards, and will hopefully have free food available!

I have attached our flyer. Please send it out to anyone who may be interested! We hope that you can attend!



Seneca McKinzie
Michigan State University
James Madison College
Comparative Cultures and Politics