Departments are often expected to cover their main telephone numbers remotely when MSU operations are suspended due to inclement weather events.


The most effective approach for covering telephones remotely is for departments to consult with the Telecommunication Systems team at MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities well in advance of any potential event.  This can be accomplished by submitting a service request via the IPF website:   An analyst will review department-specific technical configurations, telephone equipment, and system needs to recommend the appropriate solution.  There is no cost associated with this consultation service.


Consultation is necessary to meet each situation because of the following factors:


The IPF website provides supporting information for departments that have already implemented the remote calling solution (EC-500) for Avaya phone users.  The user guide can be found here:


Telephone user guides are also available to illustrate how to use the basic features for many phone systems which can be found here:


For more information about this and other topics, consider attending IPF’s Telecom Technology Workshop found here:



Thank you,

Customer Service

Telecommunication Systems

Infrastructure, Planning and Facilities

Michigan State University

Public Safety Building

1120 Red Cedar Road, Room W110

East Lansing, MI 48824


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