

Hi folks, I have some items for sale. Everything need to go by the end of this month. 
实木可延展餐桌+4餐椅:$50,有两块延展板,可从4-6人座延展至8人座,10人座TWIN SIZE 沙发床:$30三抽屉白色实木床头柜:$6三层黑色书架: $5实木婴儿床+床垫 : $40IKEA 电视柜/茶几(玻璃面):$20stroller:$10infant carseat:$10tons of plates,bowls:50c/each
Let me know if you need anything else, I will check if I have or not. Live in Trappers Cove. Please contact via email.
Thank you.