Dear Colleagues,
Building on a tremendous success of the previous two meetings, we are cordially inviting you to register for the 3rd EIASM Workshop on Talent Management, to be held in Berlin on October 13-14.  The abstract submission deadline is June 15, while full papers are due by October 1.  Note, however, that there is no requirement to submit the paper in order to attend the workshop.  You can find more information by exploring the following link:
We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!
On behalf of my co-chairs,
Dr. Vlad Vaiman  |  Associate Dean |  Professor of International Management
School of Management  |  California Lutheran University
Editor-in-Chief  |  European Journal of International Management
60 West Olsen Road #3550  |  Thousand Oaks, CA 91360  |  
p 805.493.3892 |  f 805.493.3213  
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