Dear Sir,
Would you please post our Call for Papers announcement below?
Thank you in advance.
Susumu Ueno
Graduate School of Accountancy,
Konan University, Kobe, 658-8501, Japan
The Chulalongkorn Business School would like to invite you to the Tenth Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Association (APMAA) Conference to be held on October 27 – 30, 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. The conference will be a great forum to receive feedback and engage in debates with other scholars in a global and dynamic environment. The APMAA conference brings together management accounting academicians and practitioners from the public and private sectors to share their perspectives and experiences. The format of the APMAA conference will include plenary sessions and parallel paper presentations. New Delegates and Ph.D. students are always welcomed. Papers are invited on a wide range of management accounting issues, including: performance measurement, behavioral and organizational issues in management accounting, cost accounting and cost management, accounting education, ethical issues, and any other general area related to management accounting discipline. For more information, please visit our web site: Kanibhatti Nitirojntanad |