Esteemed Colleagues, This is forwarded on behalf of MIke Mueller at University of Alaska Anchorage and the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE). This may be of interest, particularly for ASTE members and/or those planning to attend the Regional NSTA Conference in Long Beach. Steve Hey NW-ASTE and FW-ASTE Folks! (please distribute widely) The Northwest Region of ASTE and the Far West Region of ASTE are getting together at the Regional NSTA conference in Long Beach and having a sort of Regional ASTE Conference. Deadline is fast approaching, February 9. So get those proposals in! See attached and below for information. Send to Lisa at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> We are planning for poster sessions to include the following emphases (to accommodate all types of universities): Teaching strategies/Pedagogical Examples Unique Course Design Research in Science Education (cultural, pedagogical, philosophical) Descriptions of Science Education Programs/Workshops/Initiatives Informal Science Education We have a section for research papers and a sessions for instructional strategies (modeling/presenting). We will likely use a round table discussion format for the research papers in order to accommodate several research papers in one time slot. Resarch may include literature reviews and philosophical papers. Please encourage your students to present as well. Additionally, we are planning our regional business meetings and will gather folks together for a dinner out as a group in the Long Beach area. Sincerely, Lisa Martin-Hansen (ASTE pres-elect and Long Beach, CA citizen), David Crowther (Far West ASTE), Miriam Munck (Northwest ASTE), Mike Mueller (Far West ASTE member and just a nice guy) -- Lisa Martin-Hansen [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>