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2014 (5th) International Conference of the Association of Global
Management Studies

                                  Saïd Business School
                                  University of Oxford
                                     Park End Street
                                      Oxford, UK
                                   (May 20th & 21st)

                        Deadline submission: March 15, 2014


Keynote Speakers
Prof. Michael Barrett, University of Cambridge
Prof. Sundeep Sahay, University of Oslo

Theme: Global Management and Innovation across Business Disciplines
International Conference of the Association of Global Management
Studies (AGMS) provides a platform to discuss challenges pertaining to
contemporary issues in management studies. It also fosters
multidisciplinary research involved in the development of theoretical
and practice knowledge of all business and related fields by
researchers, educators and practitioners.

Conference Tracks
1.        Big Data ? Big Impacts: Governance, Accountability & Control
2.        Cultural Management
3.        eLearning/Distance Learning
4.        Entrepreneurship Management
5.        Globalization and Sustainability
6.        Human Capital
7.        Human Resource Management
8.        Knowledge, Innovation & Technology Management
9.        Logistics and Supply Chain Management
10.        Management Information Systems
11.        Managing Projects
12.        Marketing Management
13.        Organization Development and Change
14.        Pedagogy, Teaching and Curriculum in Management Education
15.        Perspectives in Management Studies
16.        Strategic Management & Organization Ecology
17.        Workplace Diversity
18.        Workplace Dynamics and Employee Engagement

Submission of Papers:
No submission to 2014 International Conference of AGMS should already
have been published in a journal, presented at another conference, or
be currently under consideration for publication or presentation
elsewhere.  All submissions are reviewed by the track chairs, program
committee, and selected reviewers.  All reviews are double blind. The
editorial board will make the final determination as to whether the
accepted papers are published in the 2014 AGMS Proceedings or qualify
for publication in the International Journal of Global Management
Studies (IJGMS) or International Journal of Global Management Studies
Professional (IJGMSP). All AGMS journals and proceedings are refereed
and registered with the Library of Congress (IJGMS - ISSN: 1945-3876
print copy and ISSN: 1945-3884 online; IJGMSP - ISSN: 1945-385X print
copy and ISSN: 1945-3868 online and AGMS Proceedings 2013 - ISSN:
2150-8461print copy and ISSN: 2150-8488 online).  Authors of accepted
papers will be notified by March 15, 2014.

Format of Submitted Papers:
Papers should follow the style recommended by the American
Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual. The language of
the conference and related publications is English. Each accepted
paper must be presented at the conference and be accompanied by paid
registration. Each submitted paper must include an abstract and must
conform to the following format: First Page: Title, authors, mailing
address, phone, fax, email address, and abstract. Second and
subsequent pages: (limited to 25 double-spaced pages).
Please submit electronic copy in Microsoft Word format to the
Conference President(s):
Prof. Dr. John Saee, ESB Business School,  Reutlingen University,
Reutlingen, Germany  [log in to unmask] OR  Dr. Mukesh
Srivastava, College of Business, University of Mary Washington, USA
[log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] no later than March 15, 2014

Any submission that is received after the deadline, exceeds length
requirements, or does not adhere to the format will be rejected
without review.

Submission deadline: March 15, 2014
Conference acceptance notification: Rolling acceptance until April 1, 2014
Final version due: April 10, 2014
IJGMS and IJGMSP Journal notification: Rolling acceptance

For more information, style guidelines about journals, and conference
registration fee, visit the AGMS website at,, and

Prof. Dr. John Saee
ESB Business School
Reutlingen University,
Reutlingen, Germany
[log in to unmask]

Dr. Mukesh Srivastava
Int'l Journal of Global Management Studies
email: [log in to unmask]

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