Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
International Business Conference in Vienna, Austria
October 23-24, 2014
Venue: Webster University in Vienna, AU
The proposed conference will provide an exclusive forum to discuss and explore contemporary thinking of leading academic and business practice related to the economic influence of tourism and hospitality on countries of the Eastern European and Eastern Asian region. We are looking to publish both theoretically-grounded and practice-oriented papers in field of Economics, Finance, Management and Marketing.
All abstracts, manuscripts and proposals must be submitted online at by August 01, 2014 to be considered for publication in double-blinded, peer-refereed JEECAR journal, assumed that revised and completed papers will be received by September 15, 2014. One copy of printed journal will be provided free of charge to the authors attending the Vienna Conference in person. Questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to Dr. Sharon Kendrick, Conference Chair at [log in to unmask], or Dr. Nikolay Megits, JEECAR Editor-in-Chief at [log in to unmask]. For information how to submit a manuscript, visit
Conference Theme:
The Economic Influence of Tourism and Hospitality on the Countries of Eastern European and Eastern Asian Region
Pre-Conference: Wednesday, October 22, 2014
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Arrival, Registration, and Evening Social
Day 1: Thursday, October 23, 2014
8:30 am to 9:00 am – Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 am to 9:10 am – Welcome and Opening Remarks, Dr. Nikolay Megits, JEECAR Executive Editor, Hamline University, St. Paul, MN
9:10 am to 9:30 am – Dr. Julian Schuster, Sr. VP and Provost, Webster University Address
9:30 am to 10:45 am - Session 1, Part 1: Marketing Tourism to Emerging Markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
10:45 am to 11:00 am - Mid-Morning Refreshment Break
11:00 am to 12:15 pm - Session 1, Part 2: Marketing Tourism to Emerging Markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
12:30 pm to 1:45 pm - Luncheon and Guest Speaker
2:00 pm to 3:15 pm - Session 2, Part 1: Business Entry Modes in Emerging Markets
3:15 pm to 3:30 pm - Afternoon Refreshment Break
3:30 pm to 4:45 pm - Session 2, Part 2: Business Entry Modes in Emerging Markets
Evening – Choice 1: Dinner On Your Own and Free Time; Choice 2: Pre-Arranged Dinner and Entertainment Choice
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm – JEECAR Editorial Team Dinner Meeting
Day 2: Friday, October 24, 2014
8:00 am to 8:45 am - Continental Breakfast
8:45 am to 9:00 am – Conference Chair Address, Dr. Sharon Kendrick, Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC
9:00 am to 10:15 am - Session 3, Part 1: Business Challenges in Emerging Markets and Strategic Implications
10:15 am to 10:30 am - Mid-Morning Refreshment Break
10:30 am to 11:45 am - Session 3, Part 2: Business Challenges in Emerging Markets and Strategic Implications
12:00 pm to 1:15 pm – Lunch and Presentation of Awards; Networking and Sharing Session
1:30 pm - Depart for Practicum: Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (Austrian National Tourist Office) in Vienna, Austria.
6:00 pm - Evening Closing Ceremonies and Fellowship
Session Topics
Session 1, Part 1: Marketing tourism to emerging markets in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Shaping the future: Papers in this area will focus on using sales and services, employing company-owned sales or distribution markets, and conducting R&D locally; developing a clear articulation of how markets and customers are changing and how businesses can turn changes into an advantage
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: service management and customer service; capturing interest of specific populations; entertainment; multicultural intelligence; recreational entrepreneurism; resorts; clubs; food and beverage venues; cruises; gaming/casino; hotels; commercial recreation; fitness trends; accessibility
Session 1, Part 2: Continued theme:
Creating brand awareness: obtaining greater knowledge of customer needs and buying habits by tapping into local knowledge to generate greater brand awareness and navigate procedures with a goal of obtaining government approvals; designing products/services specifically for local emerging markets and offering a different value proposition for emerging market customers
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: promotional material; advertising; innovative ideas on ways to promote business in a creative fashion; marketing intelligence; destination management; programming ideas; collaboration; linking information with communities
Session 2, Part 1: Business entry modes in emerging markets
Assessing risks and developing a risk profile: Papers in this area will focus on comprehensive and effective risk evaluation and pricing to allow investors to target a particular risk and reward with greater precision deserving efforts; relations with government, media, and society as a whole is important as the state plays a central role in economies; the reputation of the institution underpins its value and ability to operate; assessing risk and value is crucial in managing dangers and capitalizing on opportunities that competitors may miss or be reluctant to pursue; control of resources they require; return on investment they promise
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: revenue; product development; sourcing; manufacturing and fulfillment; ecotourism; climate friendly behaviors; real estate development; energy efficiency; sustainability; industry; low carbon tourism; organization implementation
Session 2, Part 2: Continued theme:
Types of Entry - equity (joint venture and wholly owned subsidiaries) and non-equity (export and contractual agreements): Papers in this area would focus on imports and exports; sales; distribution; franchising; turnkey projects; Greenfield investment; acquisitions; multinational corporations; alliances
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: intellectual property; technology; innovations
Industrial and urban growth challenges: Papers in this area would focus on culture and tradition; vastly different ideas about business practices and rules; respect of the importance of family, class, and connections; doing business entails not so much what is learned about others but what one learns about oneself; organic growth; significant investment of management time and financial resources; licensing agreements
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: local and regional branding; tourism for cultural heritage; tapping into local expertise and think tanks; back to
Session 3, Part 2: Continued theme:
Strategic implications: Papers in this area would focus on how to strengthen presence and tap into fast-growth markets; evolving patterns of trade; attracting and retaining customers; developing new sources of revenue; examining financial support needed to help clients establish facilities; support for infrastructure; developments needed to build demand in local markets; making the most of untapped market potential
Hospitality and tourism conversations that fit into the above category might include: governance of state and economic development cluster strategies; managerial skills; transfer of knowledge; cultural and multicultural knowledge; negotiations.
For additional information visit
Dr. Sharon Kendrick,
Conference Chair
Assistant Professor, Business Administration and
Director of Resort and Club Management