Academy of International Business, Southeast USA Chapter
2014 Annual Conference
October 23rd 每 25th
Florida International University, Miami, FL
Conference Theme: Sustainability, Institutions, and Emerging Markets
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2014
The Conference
AIB-SE is one of the largest and most active regional divisions of the Academy of International Business*s 16 worldwide chapters. AIB-SE*s annual conference centers on the presentation of the newest ideas in international business to an international
audience of academic scholars and business practitioners. The conference is characterized by a strong professional development focus, providing participants with a supportive and collegial platform to discuss and develop their ideas, as well as opportunity
for mentoring of authors to enhance their papers for publication.
Over the past three years, AIB-SE ( has experienced significant transformation and growth. AIB-SE has established itself as a valuable brand in the International Business community and the conference has become a reputable academic meeting of choice for almost 300 participants from nearly 40 countries.
Sustainability, Institutions, and Emerging Markets
Organizations are under tremendous pressure to reduce their carbon emissions and save money by eliminating waste from their processes and achieving long-term sustainability. Sustainability can be defined as ※the design of human and industrial systems
to ensure that humankind*s use of natural resources and cycles does not lead to diminished quality of life due to either losses in further economic opportunities or to adverse impacts on social conditions, human health and the environment.[1]§
Sustainability ensures long-term business success while contributing towards economic and social development, a healthy environment, and a stable society.
The 2014 AIB-SE conference will focus on issues facing firms from emerging markets as well as those firms competing in those markets and their efforts regarding sustainable innovation, institutions leading sustainable development, and illuminate the differences and similarities between emerging and developed world economies with respect to sustainability. The conference investigates the three pillars of sustainability relating to 1) environment (e.g. the impact of human activity on biodiversity and the destruction of ecosystems, 2) social (e.g. human rights, equality and social justice, and 3) economic(e.g. the social and environmental impacts of economic growth and models of production and consumption) sustainability in emerging markets vis-角-vis developed economies:
Conference Highlights
Paper and Panel Submissions
Paper and panel submissions for AIB-SE 2014 need to be categorized into one of the topical tracks. Each paper or panel proposal must be submitted to only one track. Please select the track closest to your proposal from the list below:
1. IB Theory, FDI, and Entry Mode Strategies
Volatility and interconnectedness in the global economic and institutional environment create new challenges for theories of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and foreign direct investment (FDI). This track invites papers that explore various aspects of the MNE and FDI, including motivations for undertaking investment, drivers and determinants of location choices and entry mode decisions, and issues pertaining to how MNC headquarters and affiliates interact with and effect host-country firms, governments and institutional environments.
Track Chairs:
Wlamir Xavier, UNISUL, Brazil, [log in to unmask];
Pinaki Dasgupta, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, [log in to unmask]" style="border:0px; margin:0px; outline:0px; padding:0px; vertical-align:baseline; color:rgb(25,130,209); text-decoration:none" target="_blank">[log in to unmask]
2. Global Strategy and Competitiveness
This track invites conceptual and empirical papers that deal with firms* global business strategies, and their impact on competitiveness. We encourage papers that examine the relationship between global strategies and how these relate to institutional or economic changes in home and host countries. Papers that examine how regulatory or political environments and institutional and political risk affect global business strategy are encouraged.
Track Chairs:
Daniel W. Baack, University of Denver, [log in to unmask];
Prashant Salwan, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, [log in to unmask]
3. International Marketing and Social Responsibility
This track addresses challenges of entering and growing in foreign markets and interacting with diverse sets of customers. Consistent with the overall conference theme, we are particularly interested in how firms are using and communicating CSR initiatives to enhance brand image and firm performance. Other mainstream marketing issues, such as segmentation, product positioning, personal selling and sales management, and pricing that offer new conceptual and empirical insights into the nature and processes of cross-border marketing are also encouraged.
Track Chairs:
Stanford A. Westjohn, University of Toledo, [log in to unmask];
Ray Rody, Florida International University, [log in to unmask]
4. International Accounting, Economics, and Finance
This track calls for papers written from a discipline base of Accounting, Economics or Finance or papers covering issues or topics in these areas (e.g. M&As, valuation, capital flows, transfer pricing, international trade, exchange rates, international political economy, international economic development, etc.). Applied or theoretical economics papers and/or economics research methods papers or papers developing theory using the tools of economics should also be sent to this track. Papers examining finance and economics research questions such as international trade and development are also appropriate for this track. Papers in this stream are expected to draw on the economics and/or finance literature but speak to the broader community of IB scholars.
Track Chairs:
Andrea Paltrinieri, University of Verona, [log in to unmask]
Clark Wheatley, Florida International University, [log in to unmask]" style="border:0px; margin:0px; outline:0px; padding:0px; vertical-align:baseline; color:rgb(25,130,209); text-decoration:none" target="_blank">[log in to unmask]
Lydia Gan, University of North Carolina 每 Pembroke, [log in to unmask]
5. Global Value Chains
In this track, we focus on any aspect of the way sustainability in international business impact the workplace globally. Supply chain managers are affected by risk or uncertainty in the international marketplace. We welcome submissions that offer important conceptual and empirical insights into the nature and processes of sustainability, channel development and management, geographical collaborations, and global supply chains. Of interest are the papers that examine the impact of institutional, political and regulatory factors on supply chain management issues and the effects of institutional change on IB and supply chain processes.
Track Chairs:
Gerard Burke, Georgia Southern University, [log in to unmask];
Amit Arora, Savannah State University, [log in to unmask]
6. Sustainability in Business Curriculum
In this track, we invite papers that present successes, failures, and challenges of incorporating sustainability and CSR in the business curriculum from around the globe. Topical areas could include good governance, international social entrepreneurship, cross-sectoral partnerships, greener work experience, resource management, and poverty alleviation germane to fostering business understanding and practice that promote environmental health and/or stewardship. We are particularly interested in transferring lessons and knowledge from one cultural context into another.
Track Chairs:
Petra Molthan-Hill, Nottingham Business School, [log in to unmask];
Jerome Baddley, Nottingham Energy Partnership [log in to unmask]
7. Entrepreneurship, SMEs, and Born Globals
Large numbers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are participating in international trade, investment, and collaboration. Indicative research questions for this track include: How do entrepreneurs / SMEs use non-equity modes of business to engage in international business? Through what processes do they upgrade from low commitment modes to higher commitment modes at more mature stages of their development? How do the features of local and global environments affect international activities of entrepreneurs and SMEs? Hoes does personal prior experience shape individuals entrepreneurial behavior?
Track Chairs:
Vishal K Gupta, SUNY Binghampton, [log in to unmask];
Suman Niranjan, Savannah State University, [log in to unmask]
8. Organization and Human Resources of the MNE
This track seeks to explore ways in which MNEs operate across diverse international contexts, and how they configure themselves internally and externally. We are particularly interested in novel forms of organization that cross geographic locations such as virtual teams, internal knowledge networks, and offshored divisional headquarters. Potentially interesting questions include how different organizing frameworks help MNEs manage the complexity and tensions inherent in their activities, and in turn create capabilities and competitive advantage? How do organizing frameworks affect intra-firm and inter-firm innovation and knowledge flows?
Track Chairs:
Srdan Zdravkovic, Bryant University, [log in to unmask]
Michelle Yang, Central Michigan University, [log in to unmask]
9. The Final Frontier: Sustainable Business in Developing Markets
We encourage papers that examine institutional and sustainability aspects of emerging economies and the challenges these pose for MNEs and Institutions. This track invites manuscripts that examine how institutions in emerging versus developed economies influence the behavior and performance MNEs. We encourage submissions that bridge the gap between theory and practice, and explore links between complementary disciplines (such as political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, business history and economics) and IB. We welcome submissions that examine how changes in the economic and institutional environments in developed and emerging economies affect traditional patterns of firm-state-NGO interactions.
Track Chairs:
Maureen Muller, Penn State University York, [log in to unmask];
Jun Wu, Savannah State University, [log in to unmask]
10. International Business Education
The education track invites you to share innovative approaches to teaching IB. This includes insights on teaching IB with cases, experiential learning exercises, the use of technology to enhance IB courses, developing study abroad programs, and other curricular issues.
Track Chairs:
Carolyn Mueller, Stetson University, [log in to unmask];
Berna Mutlu, University of Florida, [log in to unmask]
11. Undergraduate/Master*s Students
This track seeks submissions from students (non-Doctoral) on topics related to international business practice, sustainability, emerging markets, research, or education. In addition to the opportunity to present your research, the conference will offer special student workshops, exploring careers in international business and academic research opportunities.
Track Chairs:
Mounir Kehal, ESC Rennes School of Business, France, [log in to unmask];
Leilani O. Baumanis, Johnson & Wales University, [log in to unmask]
Submit your Paper
All submissions will be handled through the AIB-SE online
submission system. All manuscripts and proposals must be submitted by June 15, 2014. Please refer to the detailed
submission instructions page for additional information on how to prepare and submit your submission. For up-to-date information about the conference and related events, please check the conference website at
Any questions regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the track chairs or the Program Chair.
There will be three kinds of sessions:
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must conform to the following guidelines. Please also refer to the detailed
submission instructions.
After Submission
Authors will be sent an automatic e-mail confirmation message upon successful uploading of their paper on the website acknowledging receipt of their submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within 24 hours of submitting your manuscript or
proposal, please inform the conference chairs, Dr. Anshu Arora and Dr. Peter Magnusson.
All manuscript submissions will be subject to a blind review process and will be evaluated based on interest to AIB-SE members, relevance to IB research, teaching and/or practice, analytical and conceptual rigor, quantitative and qualitative methods (if applicable), innovativeness, and significance of conclusions. Panel proposals will be evaluated based on interest to AIB members, relevance to IB research, teaching and/or practice, quality, innovativeness, fit with conference theme, and diversity of participants.
Peter Magnusson, Ph.D.
AIB-SE Vice Chair & 2014 Conference Chair
Florida International University
[log in to unmask]
Anshu Arora, Ph.D.
Program Chair & 2014 Conference Co-Chair
Savannah State University
[log in to unmask]
Sumit Kundu, Ph.D.
Local Host & 2014 Conference Co-Chair
Florida International University
[log in to unmask]
[1] J. R. Mihelcic, J. C. Crittenden, M. J. Small, D. R. Shonnard, D. R. Hokanson, Q. Zhang, H. Chen, S. A. Sorby, V. U. James, J. W. Sutherland and J. L. Schnoor, Sustainability science and engineering: The emergence of a new metadiscipline, Environmental Science and Technology, 37 (23) (2003), pp. 5314 每 5324.
Susan Forquer Gupta, Ph.D.
AIB SE Communications and Membership Director
Director, MBA Program
Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business
Leon Hess Business School
Monmouth University
West Long Branch, NJ 07733
[log in to unmask]
Phone: (732) 571-3639