

Final call, application deadline: Feb 20


[image: X-Culture Logo]

*X-Culture* <>* is accepting applications for the
2014-1 semester.*

If you're teaching Intl. Bus/Marketing/Management or related, here is your
chance to improve learning in your courses, boost your teaching evaluations
and research productivity.

*Main idea*: X-Culture <> teams up students from
different countries (usually 7 students per team, each from a different
country). They work in Global Virtual Teams for a semester and gain
first-hand experience in cross-cultural collaboration.

We provide all the materials, training, and administrative support;
instructors do what instructors do in any team project: answer student's
questions, grade team reports, etc.

Professors interested in
*research*<>will also have
ample opportunities to co-author papers based on our
longitudinal multi-level multi-source data.

*Participants*: almost 3,000 from 80+ universities in 40+ countries
participate in X-Culture every semester (MBA and undergraduate).

*Task*: Solving international business challenges provided by our corporate
partners (last semester's list here<>,
some new companies to be added for the next semester). The report structure
is designed to match the content of standard International
Business/Management/Marketing/Entrepreneurship courses.

Professors teaching Cross-Cultural Psychology, International Communication
and related courses have also successfully participated in X-Culture.

*Communication*: Our philosophy is that the tools students use in X-Culture
must be usable in the workplace upon graduation. Therefore, we rely on free
online collaboration tools and do not use proprietary platforms. At the
beginning of the project, all students receive basic training on the use of
Email, Skype, Dropbox, Google Docs, Doodle, Facebook, etc. Teams are free
to choose their preferred collaboration method.

English is the working language and sufficient fluency in English is
required. Students who do not speak English may be able to participate
under special arrangements - contact us for details.

*Schedule*: March 1 - April 25

Most instructors also add time before or after the project for training,
discussions and presentations, so this way the project takes up an entire

*X-Culture Certificates: *Upon successful completion of the project, the
students receive X-Culture Global Collaboration Experience certificates.
Instructors also receive Global Educator certificates. Additional
appreciation/reference letters can be sent to instructors' department
chairs or deans upon request.

*X-Culture Symposium: *Twice a year, we bring X-Culture participants
together (2013 meetings: Atlanta, hosted by Home
Depot<>and Istanbul,
hosted by Mercedes-Benz <>).

*Does it work? *Yes, it does. For empirical evidence on how X-Culture
affects course evaluations, course grades/marks, cultural intelligence,
attitudes, behaviors and performance, please visit our

*Cost: *X-Culture is a not-for-profit project. A nominal participation fee
is charged to cover our basic expenses. To keep the project open to
everyone, partial or full fee waivers are available for participants who
cannot pay the participation fee for various reasons.

*More information*:

A video intro to X-Culture:

For additional information on X-Culture and research on its learning
outcomes, please visit

Also read about X-Culture in AIB
of Management Learning and


Enrollment is competitive. Please apply early to secure your spot.

Due to a large volume of inquiries, it may take us several days to process
your application.

If you do not receive a response within five days, please contact us
directly at [log in to unmask]


Vas Taras, PhD

X-Culture Project Coordinator


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