Please pardon the cross-posting.

Dear Colleagues

We have extended the deadline for scholarships for the Summer 2014 session of the Critical Studies on Food in Italy (CSFI) program in Rome, Italy. Scholarship applications are now due on March 7, 2014.

Please forward this information to any students that may potentially be interested.
You will find more details below. 
Brief description of the program
DURATION: 5-WEEK Full Immersion Summer Program
WHEN: 19 MAY 2014 – 21 JUNE 2014
The program is open to all majors, University of Massachusetts Amherst and non-University of Massachusetts Amherst students. 
Critical Studies on Food Culture (3 credits) COURSE: 
Food media, communication and trends (3 credits) COURSE
Food, Nutrition and Culture in Italy (3 credits) COURSE
Elementary Italian Language UMASS ITAL 110 (3 credits) COURSE and Intensive Elementary Italian Language UMASS ITAL 126 (6 credits)* COURSE 
Italian Lexicon for Food Studies (3 credits) COURSE
For more information about the program, tuition and cost of the program, please visit:
Scholarships are still available. To be eligible, students must apply by March 7, 2014. For more details and information on how to apply, please contact Gustolab Institute Director Sonia Massari at [log in to unmask]
For more information about the program and a Pre-Application Selection form, please write to [log in to unmask]

Thank you,   
Salem Paulos
for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Program on Food and Culture

office phone: + 39 06.68804073 - 06.83087975
mobile IT: + 39 338.5865573

130, Via Giulia
00186, Rome, Italy