Hi all, See the message below for a variety of awesome opportunities to work in urban settings - school garden programs, community food systems research, and other with local develop initiatives are represented, often in association with an Extension office. As noted, please read each position description carefully, and follow up with resumes and cover letters as requested. - Julie **** Hello I have attached 5 internship postings. Please read each one carefully. If you advise students, please forward the email to your students. If you are interested, you must apply for each one separately with a separate resume and cover letter. You may apply to more than one. All Resumes and Cover letters must be submitted electronically and please indicate in the subject line which internship you are applying for, please include the title, which is listed on the PDF. Please note that the Deadline for applying is February 28th. Good Luck! Ms. J Jonglim Han Yoo, M.A. (Ms. J) Michigan State University School of Planning, Design & Construction Academic Advisor for SPDC Office: 102B Human Ecology E-mail: [log in to unmask] Web: http://www.spdc.msu.edu To Schedule an Appointment: https://ntweb11.ais.msu.edu/aas/ Available Appointments are posted every Monday for the following week ONLY during the academic year.