Dear Geoscience Education Research community,


Last semester, an ad was circulated for a single 3-year STEM education research postdoc position at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  The deadline for applying for that position has passed.


I am happy to share with you news that two 2.5-year STEM education research postdoc positions are currently available at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.  The deadline to submit applications is March 1, 2014.  Attached you will find the job ad with further details. 


If you have any questions about the ad or the positions, feel free to contact me at [log in to unmask], with the Subject Line: “STEM Ed postdoc query.”


Please pass along this message and attached ad to other colleagues and your graduating PhD students. 

Thank you in advance for helping to advertise these positions and filling them with highly qualified individuals!


Warm wishes,

Leilani Arthurs



Leilani Arthurs, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

Affiliations: Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education; NebraskaSCIENCE

Office: 330 Bessey Hall

