


GSA has been sending this announcement out, but I wanted to remind you as well...

The Geoscience Education Division of the Geological Society of America sponsors the Biggs Award, which recognizes innovative and effective teaching of Earth Sciences among early career faculty (10 years or less of full-time teaching).  Nominations are due each year on 15 February.  We are soliciting nominations from across the Earth Sciences - nominees and nominators do not need to be members of the Division in order to encourage recognition of an outstanding colleague.

Please disseminate this announcement to anyone who may be interested in receiving, or nominating someone for, this award. The nomination process requires letters of support from colleagues and students as well as a teaching philosophy from the nominee. The 
award details and the nomination process can be accessed at  We look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your continued support.

The Geoscience Education Division Committee

Julie Libarkin
Associate Professor, Director - Geocognition Research Lab
Director for Educational Research - Center for Integrative Studies in General Science
Michigan State University
288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-355-8369

Affiliations: Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Department of Geological Sciences, Cognitive Science Program, Environmental Science and Policy Program