


AIB Junior Faculty Consortium
AIB 2014 Annual Meeting
June 23, 2014

Sponsored by Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University

Chair: Heather Berry, George Washington University

Application Deadline: February 10, 2014

The Academy of International Business is organizing a Junior Faculty Consortium, which will be held on Monday, June 23, 2014 from 9:00 am to 4:30 p.m.

All junior faculty active in research and teaching in international business are invited to participate, although preference will be given to those who have been involved in international business teaching and/or research for no more than three years.

The 2014 consortium is being organized by Heather Berry, George Washington University. The consortium is being structured to provide lots of opportunities for interaction between junior faculty and senior scholars on the faculty panel, and among junior faculty present in a round table format. There will also be an opportunity for junior faculty to discuss their research programs or specific research projects, with other junior and senior faculty members in small groups.

The faculty panel for the Junior Faculty Consortium includes distinguished international business scholars with extensive publication records and experience (please note additions and changes are possible to this list):

Heather Berry, George Washington University (Chair)

Tim Devinney, University of Leeds

Martine Haas, University of Pennsylvania

Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School

Mari Sakakibara, University of California, Los Angeles

Rob Salomon, New York University

Myles Shaver, University of Minnesota

Tentative Program (subject to change)

Monday, June 23, 2014




Session One: Panel Discussion on Research and Publishing
Getting dissertation papers published
Building your research base


Coffee Break


Session Two: Small Group Discussion of Junior Faculty Research
Working toward tenure
Teaching and Service
Networking and Visibility




Session Three: Small Group Discussion of Junior Faculty Research


"Meet with Editors"


Application Requirements:

Please note that space is limited in the program to ensure an optimal level of interaction. To apply, please send an e-mail letter, stating your interest in attending by February 10, 2014 to [log in to unmask]. Please include the following information in the message:

  1. A one page CV.
  2. A one page description of your international business research program which highlights a current paper or project in process (on which you would like input)

Please attach these as two separate Microsoft Word documents, with your last name in the file title (e.g., BerryBio.doc and BerryResearch.doc).

Application for Travel Stipends

Due to the kind support of the Boeing Institute of International Business, Saint Louis University a small number of travel grants are available for participants in need of financial support to attend the consortium.

If you would like to apply for one of these travel stipends, please include a separate letter with your consortium application email, stating your request to be considered for a stipend. The letter should include the following information:

  1. An estimation of your travel costs including your city and country of departure
  2. The name of your university and whether any travel funds are available from your university
  3. Whether you are currently an AIB member, and
  4. Whether you have previously received a travel stipend from AIB.

NOTE: Separately, Junior Faculty Consortium attendees may also be eligible for Area Scholar Travel Stipends offered by the AIB Foundation. There is a separate application process for these. Information regarding the Area Scholar Travel Stipends can be found at the AIB 2014 Travel Stipends page.

Please E-mail your application (with the subject line "AIB Junior Faculty Consortium") to:

Heather Berry
Chair, AIB 2014 Junior Faculty Consortium
Email: [log in to unmask]  


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