

Dear Colleagues,

We are currently collecting data for a meta-analysis in which we  
examine the determinants and outcomes of cultural intelligence (CQ).

We are looking, in particular, for unpublished manuscripts, in press  
articles, conference presentations, dissertations, and work in  
progress studies that include the relationship between CQ and, e.g.  
the following variables:

-	Personality traits (e.g., the big five etc.)
-	International experience (e.g., the number of countries visited etc.)
-	Human capital (e.g., the number of languages)
-	Training
-	Performance (e.g., job performance, team performance etc.)
-	Adjustment (e.g., cultural adjustment, general adjustment etc.)

All studies that are included in the meta-analysis will be cited  
accordingly and your support will be acknowledged.

Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Best regards,


Ass. Prof. Dr. Christopher Schlaegel

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Faculty of Economics and Management
International Business
PO Box 41 20
39016 Magdeburg

Tel.: (49)391 67 11 643
Fax:   (49)391 67 11 162
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

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