

Dear listserv administrator

Could you please circulate the following call for conference papers to the AIB community.

SASE 26th Annual Conference
July 10-12, 2014 - Northwestern University and the University of Chicago

The Institutional Foundations of Capitalism

Multi-Level Institutions and the Changing Global-Local Dynamics of  Production in the context of Crisis

This mini-conference explores institutional attempts – at supra-national, national and local levels - to mediate the effects of the changing global dynamics of production on local economies. It seeks contributions examining the interactions and tensions between globalising forces and local systems of production, innovation, labour regulation and political exchange, in the context of global economic crisis.
It promotes dialogue between different forms and levels of analysis, including: between institutional economics and societal institutionalism; analyses of global value chains and the multinational corporation; studies of innovation and of work/employment; and analyses of global, national and local institution-building.

The mini conference consists of five mini-panels. Please see attachment for details

Deadline for papers Jan 20th 2014

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