SASE 26th Annual Conference
July 10-12, 2014 - Northwestern University and the University of Chicago
Call for Papers and Sessions for Network F: Knowledge, Technology and Innovation
The network promotes theory and research on the socio-economic role, antecedents and consequences of knowledge, technology and innovation. The network promotes studies that examine the inter-relationships
between socio-economic institutions and the creation, diffusion, and consequences of innovation. The most important socio-economic institutions for innovation may be found at the micro-, meso- or macro-levels or, indeed, cut across those levels. The network
contributes to an interdisciplinary and critical perspective on firms’ development of innovative capabilities and their consequences for socio-economic development.
Topics of particular interest are: national, regional, local and industrial systems of innovation; science, innovation, and technology policies; the distributive consequences of technological change for societies; the influence of socio-economic institutions
on firms’ development of innovative capabilities; knowledge-based economies; firms as knowledge systems; varieties of knowledge and knowing in organizations; knowledge work and workers; the socio-economic constitution of knowledge transfer and organizational
learning; technological path dependence, break, and creation; the social and organizational conditions for entrepreneurship and innovation; the diffusion of innovation and markets for innovation; intellectual property rights regimes; and product piracy.
The deadline for submitting papers and session proposals is 20 January 2014.
A more detailed call for submissions can be found in the attached file.
Best regards,