A Special
Policy, Regulations, and Institutions
About the Agri-biotech
The Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) forecasts that feeding the world’s growing
population, projected to surpass 9 billion by 2050, will require
producing 70% more food on less land, with less water and with
climate change. Agbiotech is one of key drivers for future
agri-food production. Biotech crops have become the fastest
adopted technology in recent history. A record 170 million
hectares of biotech crops were grown globally in 2012, an
unprecedented 100-fold increase from the 1.7 million hectares
planted in 1996. In 2012, for the first time there were more
hectares in developing than in developed countries. The impact of agri-biotech has proven
revolutionary and far-reaching. In part, it has triggered a
long-standing debate about the appropriate policies, regulations
and institutions that can and should be used to manage the
development, introduction and use of disruptive technologies.
2. About this Special Issue
This issue is
focused on the role of policies, regulations and institutions
involved in managing the development, introduction and use of
agricultural biotechnologies. We are seeking for articles that
present and used theory and methods to produce or assess new
evidence that can advance our discussion of the policy aspects
of agbiotech development.
restricting the content, we would be particularly interested in
submissions of articles that offer theoretical applications,
empirical analyses, case studies or institutional analyses of
some aspect of the application and use of agbiotech. Each
article should address some aspect of the policy, regulatory or
institutional system. While
general conceptual work may be appropriate, we anticipate many
articles will ground their analysis in some specific context. Articles addressing issues
in any country or region of the world would be welcomed, be it
mega adopters or importers, developed or developing country,
producers, importers or non-adopting and using. We would also
welcome work that addresses the global policy, regulatory and
institutional architecture (e.g. WTO, WIPO, WHO, UNEP, OECD,
Codex, IPPC, OIE, CPB). Comparative
institutional analysis would also be welcomed (e.g.
consideration of the competing Asian, African or Latin American
targeted audience for this special issue of AgBioForum is opinion leaders and
key decision makers in the research system, in key national and
international policy and regulatory institutions and in the
global agri-food businesses.
3. About
Submissions should be no more
than 20 pages (or 8,000 words), excluding references and
supporting graphs/tables (Times New Roman, 12, single space,
2.54 cm for all page margins). Each submission should include an
abstract (about 100 words) with five to seven keywords. Authors
should refer to the APA style to insert and list references. The
reference list should be as short and sufficient as possible by,
for example, listing the earliest or the most cited work of
citable items.
Full instructions can be found
We will publish the papers based
on the following criteria: a) the quality and novelty of the
arguments of the paper and b) the relevance and response of the
topic to the theme of our special issue. We will invite
international specialists to act as reviewers for the papers.
We particularly encourage senior
doctoral students and junior faculties to participate in this
initiative as their first step for building real-world
The submission deadline for this
special issue is May
31, 2014. Potential author(s) are encouraged
to send us a proposal or abstract for pre-review by December 31,
2013. Please send your expressions of interest in PDF format by
e-mail to the Managing (Guest) Editor(s) at [log in to unmask] and/or [log in to unmask] with an email title
subject “AgBioForum PRI Special”. Submissions should include
an extra page of author(s) biography (about 100 words for
each) and detailed/effective contact information.
Potential authors are encouraged
to use the FastTrack editing system for the full submissions at