

Hi Everyone,
I am posting this for a friend. If you are interested in please email her.

Begin forward the message

大家好,我是MSU博士班的学生,就读第二语言研究,目前正在为论文收集语料,想邀请有兴趣的人来参加我的语言实验。 受试者资格:
超过18岁,近三年内有参加过英语能力测验(e.g., TOEFL or IELTS). 实验内容: 含四个测验。1. 说故事。2. 念英文句子。3.
英文听力理解。4. 句子辨别 所需时间: 约60-70分钟 受试者费: 每位受试者将给予 $15 的补助 受試地點: B417 Wells Hall
有兴趣的人请给我发邮件[log in to unmask] 谢谢!

Hi Everyone, I am currently doing my dissertation research and I compare
English learners from different L1 backgrounds. I would like to invite you
to participate in my study. You are eligible to participate if you are a
Chinese speaker and over 18 years old, and you've taken an English
proficiency test within three years (e.g., TOEFL ibt or IELTS) . In my
study you will be asked to complete four tasks: storytelling, sentence
repetition, sentence perception, and sentence comprehension. It will take
you around 60-70 minutes to finish the whole experiment. You will be paid
$15 to compensate for your time. The experiment will take place in B417
Wells Hall. If you are interested, please contact me at
[log in to unmask] a lot.

