Dear Tunga, I would be very grateful if you could please distribute the Call for Papers below to the AIB members. Thank you. Regards, Gabriel.






Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference

in Dubai, UAE  11-14 August 2014


Hosted by University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE


Win a free iPad or eReader







Marketing, Managing and Financing Organizations in Today’s Environment of Slow Economic Growth: To achieve the best level of performance in today’s environment of slow economic growth, managers must be innovative and competitive. They must be prepared to acquire and utilize multi-dimensional skills that are essential for managing, marketing and financing organizations successfully. Contemporary research findings and theories presented at this conference will shed light into the policies and strategies that are vital for achieving effective growth and enhance organizational performance. This 6th biennial Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development Conference aims to share research knowledge, theories and practice that exist in the world in the areas of business, marketing, finance, management and international business. Manuscripts for this double blind peer reviewed conference are invited in terms of competitive papers, case studies, research in progress, literature review, special sessions and doctoral research papers in any of the track areas listed below: 



Track 1: Agribusiness Management/Agrimarketing

Track 2: Business, Marketing and Management Development in Transitional Economies

Track 3: Consumer Behaviour and Psychology

Track 4: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Africa

Track 5: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Asia

Track 6: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Australia and New Zealand

Track 7: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Central America and the Caribbean

Track 8: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in Europe

Track 9: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in the Middle East

Track 10: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in North America

Track 11: Current Issues in Business, Marketing and Management in South America

Track 12: Economics, International Trade and Banking

Track 13: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

Track 14: Environmental Management/Environmental Marketing Issues

Track 15: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Track 16: Foreign Direct Investments, Accounting and Taxation

Track 17: Globalization and International Management

Track 18: Health Care Marketing and Management

Track 19: Human Resource Management and Occupational Health and Safety

Track 20: Industrial Marketing/Business-to-Business Marketing

Track 21: Information Systems, E-Commerce, E-Marketing

Track 22: International Business in Emerging Economies

Track 23: International Marketing and Exporting

Track 24: Management and Organizational Behaviour

Track 25: Marketing Management

Track 26: Marketing and Management of Education and Training

Track 27: Marketing and Management of Non Profit Organizations

Track 28: Promotion Strategy and Communication

Track 29: Public Administration

Track 30: Services Marketing and Relationship Marketing

Track 31: Social Media

Track 32: Strategic Management

Track 33: Strategic Marketing

Track 34: Sustainable Management/Sustainable Marketing

Track 35: Technology/Research and Development

Track 36: Tourism and Hospitality Marketing and Management

Track 37: Transportation, Aviation and Aerospace Management

Track 38: Women in Leadership and Management

Track 39: Special Session – Doctoral Research Papers

Track 40: Special Session – Legal issues, Criminal Justice, Forensic Science, etc


TYPES OF PAPERS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Your submission can be in any of the following four categories.

·           An abstract only paper of least 100 words but not more than one page; or

·           A proposal/work in progress paper to be no longer than 5 pages; or

·           A competitive full paper to be no longer than 15 pages; or

·           A literature review paper to be no longer than 15 pages but needs to provide theoretical insights based on reviews of relevant literature.


PAPER AWARD AND PUBLICATION:   There is a ‘Best Paper Award Certificate’ or ‘Commendation Award Certificate’.  Very good competitive papers will be recommended to be double blind refereed again for possible publication in a refereed book or for publication in any of the following double blind refereed journals:

·         Journal of International Marketing and Exporting (ISSN 1324-5864)

·         Journal of Management and World Business Research ISSN (1449- 3179)

·         International Journal of Business and Marketing (ISSN 1448-9848) – New double blind peer refereed journal.

·         International Journal of Business, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (ISSN 2201-3105) – New double blind peer refereed journal.


Publication in the proceedings – Although all papers to be presented at the conference are entitled to appear in the conference proceedings, the Academy will allow every author to decide whether to publish his or her full paper in the proceedings or to publish only the abstract.


PRIZES: Participants who register and present their papers at the conference as well as attend the conference dinner have a chance to win a free iPad or eReader through random drawing of tickets. If a number is drawn and the person with the ticket number is not available in the room when the number is drawn, another number will be drawn because the person whose number is drawn must be present to win the prize. The Program Chair and the Associate Program Chairs cannot win these prizes.


CALL FOR TRACK CHAIRS: All track chairs must attend the Conference. To be considered to serve as a track chair/co-track chair please email Executive Conference Director and Program Chair, Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun the following information:

(i) Track Number/Area you are interested in being a track chair for.

(ii) Your title, name, highest qualification, current position in your organization, address of your organization, and your email address:


The responsibilities of a track chair/co-track chair will include:

·         Submitting a joint or individual paper for the conference to the Program Chair Prof Ogunmokun who will organize it to be double blind peer reviewed;

·         Attending the conference and serving as a chair for one of the sessions;

·         Receiving papers from contributors in your Track area for review;

·         Sending the papers you have received to reviewers on behalf of the conference organizers;

·         Forwarding the papers that reviewers have accepted to the organizers, with the reviewers’ comments; and

·         Promoting the conference to other people in your area.


The 2014 Executive Conference Director and Program Chair Program Chair is Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun and the Associate Program Chair is Professor Prakash Vel.


For detailed information visit: or contact Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun by email using the two email addresses below.


Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.






Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun, PhD (Monash)

President and Executive Conference Director and Program Chair

Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development

GPO Box K 789, Perth, Western Australia 6842

(Chair of Department of Marketing and Management; and Chair of Research - School of Business, University of the Virgin Islands, United States Virgin Islands).

Email: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]


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