HR Division of AOM is pleased to announce its first HR Division International Conference (HRIC), June 15th-16th, 2014, in Beijing, China. The Conference Theme is ‘Convergence and Divergence in Human Resource Management’. Co-sponsored by the HR Division of the Academy of Management (AOM), The International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Renmin University, this conference will focus on trends of convergence and divergence of human resource management research and practice in different cultures and nations.


The HRIC program will feature four prominent keynote speakers: Pawan Budhwar (Aston University), David Lepak (Rutgers University), Kwok Leung (City University of Hong Kong), and Anne Tsui (Arizona State University).


Over the past decades, as organizations seek for ways to reduce the barriers to operating in the global community, research has led to important insights about HR strategy, practices, and outcomes. However, large gaps remain in understanding HRM processes in different cultural contexts.  The HRIC seeks to attract scholars from around the world to share ideas on all aspects of HR – not just international aspects of HR. We invite proposals for paper presentations, symposia and workshops sessions.


Submission Guidelines

HRIC will consider unpublished original papers in English. Proposals can be conceptual or empirical, quantitative or qualitative. Submission guidelines are available at the HRIC website: The submission section of the HRIC website will open in October 1, 2013 and will be available until December 15, 2013, the deadline for all type of submissions. Decision letters will be sent by February 2014.


Conference Location and Accommodation

HRIC 2014 will be held at the Beijing Friendship Hotel (Beijing, China;, which will offer discount rates for attendees. For more details regarding accommodations, please visit the conference website.


Family Friendly Conference!

Beijing offers fabulous attractions including the Great Wall, Gate of Heavenly Peace, the Forbidden City, and the Temple of Heaven, making it a great place to bring your family. To make the conference more enjoyable for all, HRIC will offer excursions for family members during the conference. These excursions will be offered at net cost and require advance registration.


Conference Registration & Fees

Early registration fee will be available until March 31, 2014. Late registration fee will apply after March 31, 2014 and on-site.

Early registration fee:  $200; Early registration fee for students: $100

Late registration fee: $250; Late registration fee for students: $150


Conference Co-Organizers

Michal Biron, University of Haifa, Israel ([log in to unmask]) • Wendy Casper. University of Texas at Arlington, USA ([log in to unmask])  • James Jian-Min Sun, Renmin University, China ([log in to unmask])





Dr Elaine Farndale

Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management

Coordinator, International Human Resource Management Project

School of Labor and Employment Relations

The Pennsylvania State University

506e Keller Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA

email: [log in to unmask]; phone: 814-867-3320


Global Conference on International HRM – Penn State 2013

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