First announcement EURAM 2014 - Valencia - Call for Topics-Symposia-DWG EURAM, September 25, 2013 Submission deadline - 16 January 2014, 2:00 pm GMT + 1 APOLOGIES FOR CROSSPOSTING Dear EURAM members and friends, The next EURAM conference will take place in Valencia (Spain) between the 4th and the 7th of June 2014. The conference will be held at the Valencia Conference Centre and the Faculty of Economics of University of Valencia. The theme of the conference, Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness, is aimed to open an interesting and fruitful dialogue about how management research and education can contribute to the enhancement of new waves and winds of strategic leadership that will stimulate a balanced and sustainable view of competitiveness in our societies. While firms are currently compelled to achieve and sustain very high levels of competitiveness, the recent financial crisis and scandals, and the increasing attention of our societies and institutions to the attainment of higher ethical standards and to the sustainability of our economic models, constitute a paradox that entails important challenges to scholars, practitioners, politicians and regulators. Knowing more about this highly stimulating, and yet particularly complex challenge requires us, as management scholars to put into question the existing paradigms and commonly accepted practices, bridge the gaps with other sciences interested in the same challenge, and open our debates to other key stakeholders. We are firmly convinced that Valencia is a fantastic location to engage in such an interesting debate and to explore the ways to multiply the best managerial practices, as well as it social and institutional recognition. Valencia is a fascinating and open minded city, culturally enriched by all the influences that arrived to us with the pleasant waves and winds of the Mediterranean Sea. Important Deadlines Deadline for paper submission 16 Jan 2014 2:00 pm GMT +1 Notification of acceptance as of 28 March 2014 Early bird/authors registration 25 April 2014 Topics EURAM conferences provide an ideal opportunity for scholars and practitioners, as well as doctoral students to share and discuss their most recent high quality work with other experts in their research fields. We invite you to submit your paper to the EURAM’s Strategic Interests Groups (SIGs) or to the Conference General Track. Please, pay attention to the submissions guidelines below. For further information please visit the EURAM 2014 website here. These are the topics that EURAM SIGs are sponsoring for the 2014 Conference: Business & Society SIG chair: Julienne Brabet (Université Paris Est-Créteil) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Rémi Jardat (ISTEC) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Accounting and control for sustainability b.. Institutions and change c.. Leadership for organisational change and resistance d.. Finance, economy & society: Towards sustainable re-embedding e.. Crowdfunding: a path to social sustainability? f.. Responsible management in global value chains g.. Psychoanalysis, work, organisations and society h.. Business & Society General Track Corporate Governance SIG chair: Wim Voordeckers (Hasselt University) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Alejandro Escribá (University of Valencia) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Boards of Directors: Behavioral Perspectives on Corporate Governance b.. Top Management Teams & Business Elites c.. Women Directors on Corporate Boards d.. Corporate Governance General Track Entrepreneurship SIG chair: Lucrezia Songini (Eastern Piedmont University, Italy) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Massimiliano Pellegrini (University of Florence, Italy) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Entrepreneurship Education - Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice b.. Balancing entrepreneurial spirit and management in family firms along generations c.. Entrepreneurship and societal changes d.. Entrepreneurship General Track Family Business Research SIG chair: Andrea Calabrò (Witten Institute for Family Business Witten/Herdecke University, Germany)[log in to unmask] Programme chair: Alfredo De Massis (Lancaster University Management School, UK & University of Bergamo, Italy)[log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Family business governance b.. Entrepreneurship and innovation in family firms c.. Gender and succession in family business d.. Family Business Research General Track Gender, Race & Diversity in Organisations SIG chair: Beverly Metcalfe (Manchester Business School, UK) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Jawad Syed (Kent Business School, UK) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Board Governance: Gender, diversity and beyond b.. Sexual orientation and gender identity at the workplace c.. Gender, race & diversity in organisations (General Track) Innovation SIG chair: Jan Dul (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Vivek Velamuri (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Standardisation and Innovation b.. Business Model Innovation (BMI) c.. Organizing creativity for innovation multidisciplinary perspectives, theories, and practices d.. Open innovation: Methods, tools, barriers, competencies, and measurements e.. Rethinking the design paradigm in management: Theories, activities, and organisations f.. Realizing competitiveness and sustainability through human factors and human resource management g.. Innovation in Chinese firms h.. Innovation – Into the Future (General Track) International Management SIG chair: Markus Kittler (University of Stirling) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: TBD Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Expatriate management b.. Management in Africa c.. Cultural intelligence d.. International Management General Track Knowledge & Learning SIG chair: Stephan Kaiser (Universität der Bundeswehr München) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Neil Turner (Cranfield University) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Knowledge & Learning General Track Managing Sport SIG chair: Harald Dolles (Molde University College, Norway & University of Gothenburg, Sweden)[log in to unmask] Programme chair: Mathieu Winand (University of Stirling, UK) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Sport Governance b.. Managing Events c.. Managing Olympic Sport d.. Managing Sport General Track Organisational Behaviour SIG chair: Alessandro Hinna (University of Rome Tor Vergata) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Gianluigi Mangia (University of Naples Federico II) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. To play or not to play: new forms of participation in the web 2.0 b.. Work motivation in the public and non-profit sector c.. Organisational behaviour General Track Project Organising SIG chair: Hans Georg Gemünden (Technische Universität Berlin) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Christophe Midler (Ecole Polytechnic, Paris) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Managing stakeholders of projects and project-oriented organizations b.. Project organising General Track Public Management SIG chair: Denita Cepiku (University of Rome Tor Vergata) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Reto Steiner (University of Bern) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Management Research in Healthcare Organizations b.. Governance of Public and Nonprofit Organisations c.. Management and Governance of Culture and Heritage d.. Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Public and Nonprofit Organizations e.. Public management General Track Research Methods and Research Practice SIG chair: Catherine Cassell (University of Manchester, UK) [log in to unmask] Programme chair: Bill Lee (University of Sheffield, UK) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Evolutionary Approaches in Business & Management Research b.. Novel Approaches to Organizational Project Management Research c.. Research Methods and Research Practice General Track Strategic Management SIG chair: Tomi Laamanen (University of St.Gallen) [log in to unmask] Programme chairs: Susan Hill (Cass Business School) [log in to unmask] & Patrick Reinmoeller (Cranfield University) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Explorations of the nature and mission of business ecosystems: Transforming social network to value chain through business model innovation b.. Strategic processes, practices and implementation c.. Competitive dynamics - The changing fabrics of competition between firms and industrial clusters d.. Corporate Strategy : Management of M&A, alliances and divestitures e.. Strategies to increase sustainable competitiveness in ports and maritime logistics f.. The microfoundations of organizational ambidexterity: Multilevel insights g.. Strategic Management General Track Conference General Track Track chair: Alejandro Escribá-Esteve (University of Valencia) [log in to unmask] Programme chairs: María Iborra (University of Valencia) [log in to unmask] Esther Sánchez-Peinado (University of Valencia) [log in to unmask] Topics Sponsored (click HERE for more information): a.. Toward a responsible management or cultural diversity b.. Crisis, emergency management and recovery c.. Raising future leaders d.. Conference General Track – Winds and waves of strategic leadership for sustainable competitiveness Submission guidelines Please, follow these guidelines and formatting instructions to prepare and submit your paper. RULE OF 3: Please note that you may be listed as an author or co-author on up to 3 submitted papers. Please read the instructions carefully prior to submitting: 1. Each paper can only be submitted to ONE topic or track. 2. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously published and if under review, must NOT appear in print before EURAM 2014 Conference. 3. To facilitate the blind review process, remove ALL authors identifying information, including acknowledgements from the text, and document/file properties. (Any submissions with author information will be automatically DELETED). 4.The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document created in PDF format. 5. The maximum length of the paper is 40 pages (including ALL tables, appendices and references). The paper format should follow the European Management Review Style Guide. 6.Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around. 7.Number all of the pages of the paper. 8. No changes in the paper title, abstract, authorship, and actual paper can occur AFTER the submission deadline. 9. Check that the PDF File of your paper prints correctly and ensure that the file is virus-free. 10.Submissions will be done on-line on the EURAM 2014 website. The submission platform will be open from 1 December 2013 to 16 January 2014 11. Only submissions in English shall be accepted for review. 12. In case of acceptance, the author or one of the co-authors should be available to present the paper at the conference. 13. In case of acceptance, each author can present only one paper at the conference. For more information, please visit the conference website We are looking very much forward to meeting you in Valencia Best wishes, On behalf of the Conference Programme Committee, Alejandro Escribá-Esteve [log in to unmask] University of Valencia Conference Chair EURAM 2014 EURAM PLACE DE BROUCKERE PLEIN 31 1000 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 64 Fax: +32 2 512 19 29 Please check your personal profile in the EIASM online database: If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you can always reply to this message and indicate 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.