“Shared Services as a New Organizational Form”


Call for Chapters, Advanced Series in Management


Tanya Bondarouk (University of Twente, The Netherlands; [log in to unmask])


Deadline for submission of full chapters: December 30, 2013


Recently, organizations have been increasingly establishing Shared Services Models within different business functions and processes. While GE is considered as the first company to establish a Shared Service Center (SSC) in 1984 (Davis, 2005); in 2010 the Global Fortune 500 reported that 80% of companies implemented Shared Services and 90% of multinational corporations were in the middle of the implementation process (Peng Luo, 2011).

It is widely recognized that the popularity of Shared Services Models originates in a combination of efficiency gains and an increase in service quality, without giving up  control of the organizational and technical arrangements (Maatman, Bondarouk, Looise, 2010; Meijerink and Bondarouk, 2013). Whether transactional or transformational Shared Services are established, the belief is that they should maximize the advantages of centralized and decentralized delivery of business functions.

Most literature about Shared Services focuses on benefits and risks, motives, implementation and value creation, whereas organizational design is rarely covered, even though its relevance is documented (Borman, 2008; Wang and Wang, 2007). The premise of this volume is that organizational design has a tremendous impact on the performance of Shared Services, and is therefore an important topic for conceptualization. Moreover, the literature often focuses on the Human Resource function (HR), though a variety of fields like Finance, Information Management, Supply Chain Management, or Purchasing have also introduced Shared Services Models (Farndale, Paauwe, and Hoeksema, 2009).

This ASM volume intends to  identify trends and differences in the organization and governance of shared services,  to move beyond debating issues of relevance and value of shared services towards more systematic research action and recommendations for future establishments. Five main theoretical priorities shape the content of the volume: conceptualizing the structure of shared services for different types of business processes, strategy and shared services, shared services and performance, pluralism in organizing shared services, and governance of shared services in different types of organizations.

For this volume of the Advanced Series in Management, we are seeking chapters that will increase our understanding of how Shared Services Models are evolving, using the most rigorous social scientific methods and tools.  Topics that may best fit this volume’s editorial intentions include (but are not limited to) consideration of the following questions:

·         What constitutes Shared Services?

·         What are the structural arrangements between Shared Services and the organizations?

·         Which business processes can and/or should be shared?

·         How to get best value from sharing the services, and who are the stakeholders?

·         What are the structural differences between shared services in different business processes?


As a volume in the Advanced Series in Management, this scholarly book will contribute to researcher’s understanding of the development, antecedents, processes and governance of Shared Services Models.  It may also be used as a reference in executive education programs or as a textbook in graduate (or advanced undergraduate) courses in accredited Colleges or Schools of Businesses and similarly situated educational offerings.

Chapters are expected to have between 4000 and 5000 words (excluding references, figures, and tables). Only original work whose copyright is owned (or cleared) by the chapter authors and not considered for publication elsewhere can be considered for inclusion in the ASM series.

Scholars whose work is likely to fit this call for chapters are invited to contact the editor via email to discuss their ideas and in preliminary form assess whether their contribution would be included.


Important deadlines

·          Full chapters: December 30th, 2013

·          Acceptance notifications or requests for revisions: about four weeks after full chapter manuscript is received

·          Submission of revised manuscripts: no later than March 31st, 2013

·          Publication of volume: about four months after final, revised chapters have been received by the volume editors; expected in mid-2014.



1.        Borman, M. (2010). Characteristics of a successful shared services centre in the Australian public sector. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(3), 220-231.

2.        Davis, T. R. V. (2005). Integrating shared services with the strategy and operations of MNEs. Journal of General Management, 31(2), 1-17.

3.        Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Hoeksema, L. (2009). In-sourcing HR: Shared service centres in the Netherlands. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(3), 544-561.

4.        Maatman, M., Bondarouk, T., and Looise, J. K. (2010). Conceptualising the capabilities and value creation of HRM shared service models. Human Resource Management Review, 20(4), 327-339.

5.        Meijerink, J., and Bondarouk, T. (2013). Exploring the central characteristics of HR shared services: Evidence from a critical case study in the Netherlands. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(3), 487-513.

6.        Peng Luo, M. (2011). Researches on mode of Sharing Service Management of multinational corporation. Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 10(1), 78-93.

7.        Wang, S., and Wang, H. (2007). Shared services beyond sourcing the back offices: Organizational design. Human Systems Management, 26(4), 281-290.



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