Hi, could you please forward the cfc CALL FOR CHAPTERS CEO Branding: Meaning, Measuring, Managing Editor: Marc Fetscherin Publisher: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) Brief Description Many articles and books have been published about product and corporate branding. Only very recently the importance of 'human brands' has been recognized as another important aspect of branding (cf. Journal of Marketing article by Thomson, 2006). One such human brand is the CEO. The CEO has been identified to impact financial (e.g., company performance, company profits, stock returns) as well as non-financial (e.g., job retention, analysis's trust of financial industry or company image) aspects of companies. The aim of this book is to advance knowledge about human branding, specifically the concept of the CEO as a brand by assembling latest research, empirical studies or case studies. The book focuses on the understanding and meaning of the CEO as a brand, how to measure the brand CEO and discusses the impact and relationships the CEO brand has on companies. Specifically it looks at the why, where and how the CEO brand impacts financial and non-financial aspects of companies. The book offers a wide range of in-depth and up-to-date insights and findings. Those findings are complemented with lessons learned and how to manage the brand CEO and subsequently the corporate brand. The book provides a rigorous base for theory development and provides practical management tools for an appropriate CEO and corporate communication and branding strategy. Possible topics Ideally, chapters focus on the relationships and impact of the CEO reputation, CEO image, CEO personality or the CEO overall onto financial (e.g., company performance, company profit, share price) and non-financial (e.g., job retention, trust, company reputation) aspects of companies. The following list provides possible topics to be covered. The list is suggestive rather than conclusive: * CEO reputation studies as related to company performance or company image * CEO image studies and the impact on companies * Impact of CEO personality on companies performance or company image * Impact of CEO narcissism onto companies or M&A outcomes * Relationship CEO Narcissism and fraud or accounting reporting's * Celebrity CEO studies * Relationship between CEO reputation and CEO image * Relationship between CEO personality and CEO image or CEO reputation * Relationship CEO and CEO compensation * Impact of CEO on job application, job retention, job satisfaction * Relationship between CEO personality and top management team performance * Impact of CEO and company performance or profitability * Relationship CEO and risk taking, investment or M&As decisions making * Relationship CEO and stock performance * Impact of CEO and corporate social responsibility * Relationship CEO and corporate brand image, brand awareness, brand equity * Physical attributes of CEO and company performance or company image * CEO personality and entrepreneurship or innovation * Conceptualizing CEO brand construct * Measuring CEO brand value * Managing CEO brand or CEO brand management * CEO rankings and company performance * Comparison of CEO rankings or CEO ratings * Any other positive relationship between CEO and various company specific aspects * Any other negative relationships between CEO and various company specific aspects Timeline / Deadline * Submit book chapter: December 15, 2013 * Notification of accepted chapter proposal: February 15, 2014 * Submission of revised chapter: June 15, 2014 * Tentative publication: Summer 2015 Target Audience The target audience is broad and interdisciplinary. Identified target audiences are: 1. Academics and researchers in multiple research fields such as Finance, Accounting, Management, HR, Psychology, or Marketing where this book provides a valuable compilation and contribution in conducting research about the CEOs impact and relationships to various company related aspects; 2. Universities where this book provides a core or additional reading for courses related to Leadership, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Brand Management, or Corporate Brand Management; 3. Marketing, communication, PR, branding or consulting professionals where this book provides insights and tools how to measure and manage the CEO brand and corporate brand respectively; 4. Global corporations specifically their marketing, PR and communication department and their respective CEO where this book provides insights and practical management frameworks and tools how to plan an appropriate CEO and corporate communication and branding strategy; 5. Headhunters or executive search companies and any other person or entity interested in the importance and meaning, measurement and management of the CEO as a brand. Submission Process Manuscripts must be submitted by latest 15th December, 2013 to be considered. All submissions will go through a double blind review process. Authors will be asked to participate in the review process. All submissions will be reviewed also as a cohort for this edited book. * A submission should be original and not been published or under publication considerations * Please follow the format and referencing style from International Marketing Review (http://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=imr) * Each chapter should be between 5,000 - 8,000 words including figures, tables, references * Please submit your manuscript by using the online submission system for this book. Please use the following link: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?timeout=1;conf=ceobrand2013 If you don't get a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours after submitting your chapter please contact the book editor. For further information please visit the book website www.ceo-brand.org<http://www.ceo-brand.org> or contact the book editor. Publisher [https://secure.ausport.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0020/271316/Routledge_bk.jpg] Founded in 1851, Routledge is a global publisher of academic books, journals, and online resources in the humanities and social sciences. Publishing over 1,000 journals and 2, 000 new books a year, Routledge has published many of the greatest thinkers and scholars of the last hundred years, including Adorno, Einstein, Russell, Wittgenstein, Jung, Hayek, Marcuse and Sartre. More information on their website http://www.routledge.com Marc Fetscherin, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Cornell Distinguished Faculty Dual Degree Coordinator Rollins College Department of International Business 1000 Holt Avenue - 2723 Winter Park, FL 32789 United States phone: 407-691-1759 fax: 407-646-1566 www.fetscherin.com<http://www.fetscherin.com/> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. 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