

From: Michael R. Czinkota

Together with the American Marketing Association, I am organizing the 2014
Global Marketing Special Interest Group Annual Conference. The meeting will
be held in Cancun, Mexico April 16-18th at the Dreams Resort Hotel (the
same location as 2011 and 2012). This year the topic is "The Honorable
Merchant in International Marketing". I am sending you here the Call for
Papers with the sincere hope that you will again join us for the special
event. If you have any questions about logistics please contact the
conference coordinators Pedro Valenzuela Parcero ([log in to unmask] )
or Kim Boeckmann ([log in to unmask] ). Questions on content should go
to the respective conference committee member.

Prof. Michael R. Czinkota
McDonough School of Business
Georgetown Universiy
402 Hariri Building
Washington DC 20057

[log in to unmask]
Tel.  202 687 4204
Cell  202 253 3566
FAX 202 687 4031


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