*REGISTER TODAY <http://bop2013.org>! EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DISCOUNTS **END SEPTEMBER 20TH**!* *Visit BoP2013.org <http://bop2013.org> for event details.* *Join us for the premier BoP Conference of the year!* *[image: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/03bb2e72e450fea72c4715ae6/images/BoPSummit2013logo72h.png] * <http://bop2013.org/> *"Creating an Action Agenda** for the Next Decade* <http://www.bop2013.org>*" <http://www.bop2013.org>* *October 21-23, 2013* *Ross School of Business / University of Michigan** Ann Arbor, MI USA* *[image: http://img.gotomeeting.com/g2mimages/webinar/themes/basic/button_registerNow.gif] * <http://www.bop2013.org/> *Early Bird registration discounts end September 20th!* *P**resented and hosted by:** **[image: William Davidson Institute, wdi.umich.edu]*<http://www.wdi.umich.edu/> * **[image: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/03bb2e72e450fea72c4715ae6/images/RossLogo_Centered_9.17.2012.png] * <http://www.bus.umich.edu/> *OVERVIEW:* This Summit is designed to help build better BoP enterprises today and a more robust BoP community of tomorrow. Attendees can expect the following: - Participate in rich conversations about successes, challenges, and lessons learned over the past decade - Engage in jointly creating a roadmap for future development of the BoP domain - Develop new relationships with colleagues from multinational corporations, social enterprises, international development organizations, impact investing organizations, non-profits, foundations, and leading universities *SPEAKERS:* Over 40 leaders from the BoP domain are scheduled to speak from companies and organizations such as *Abbott,* *Acumen, ANDE, Anudip, CARE, CEMEX, Coca-Cola, Danone, Dalberg, d.light, GSK, Grameen, Honey Care, One Acre Fund, Oxfam, SNV, SolarSister, UNDP, TechnoServe, World Vision,* and many more. Kickoff keynotes by *Ted London<http://bop2013.org/Speakers/speaker.aspx?s=101> *, University of Michigan, and *Stuart Hart<http://bop2013.org/Speakers/speaker.aspx?s=102> *, Cornell University. *SPONSOR:* *[image: Sasakawa Peace Foundation]* <http://spf.org/e/profile/> *REGISTER NOW:* *Early Bird discounts END September 20th! Attendance is limited so REGISTER NOW <http://bop2013.org>!* ------------------------------ *QUESTIONS? *Email* [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>or call 734.763.5020* *[image: BoP2013.org]* <http://bop2013.org/> ------------------------------ ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.