

Dear Colleagues,
I apologize for invading your mailbox with this request, but I am a little bit confused and I kindly ask you for advice.
I graduated from the University of Liverpool where I completed an MBA, and I did my dissertation on the following subject “The Effects of Geographic Diversification on the Performance of Spanish Companies during the Downturn Period 2008-2011”. I received an “excellent” grade on my dissertation.
I researched on the evolution of 23 large multinational Spanish companies and on their behaviour with regards to their international expansion, their product diversification and the evolution of their debt, and how these variables have impacted their performance. I have sustained my research with an extensive literature review, a quantitative analysis (including three linear econometric models) and a qualitative analysis based on the answers received to a questionnaire.
I enjoyed very much this research activity that took me almost a year to complete, and I continued researching and presented (together with two co-authors) a Conference Paper on the AIB UKI conference (Aston University,  Birmingham, UK) on March 21st -23rd, 2013, with wide acceptance. Finally I am working know on the publication of an article in a level two academic magazine these same co-authors.
I have discovered how much I liked research while doing my MBA and I would like to move to a research career. I have been working in the banking industry for over 15 years, now working in Cash Management sales for an Investment bank. I do believe that my knowledge and experience with international corporates is very positive when applied to International Business research. Prior to working in sales, I have been a business analyst, a project manager and a product developer.
I am Spanish native, fluent in English (TOEFL 263 points, GMAT 87% percentile) and French (B2 level by the French Alliance) and have a basic knowledge in German, and I am very interested in pursuing an academic and research career.
I have applied for several Research positions and in all the cases I have been advised to follow a Phd programme first. I would like to know if you can advise me where I can follow this programme and if this can be done online since I cannot leave my home city (Madrid, Spain) for family reasons. The issue is that I do need to follow a Doctoral programme or a PhD programme. My current MBA is not accepted by “Aneca” the regulator in Spain that certifies entry to Doctoral programs from MBAs, since it is not homologated in Spain, which obliges me to pursue a Master’s degree in Spain before the Phd, even if my MBA is accredited by the AACSB (Association for Advanced Collegiate School of Business), the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) and by CEL (Technology Enhanced Learning).
I am also looking for an opportunity to research under the field of International Business and I would like to set up collaboration with a University in order to continue presenting my work in different conferences, under the scope of an affiliation to a University, and not on my own as I did in the AIB-UKI conference.
Thank you very much for taking the time to read through these lines and for advising me properly.
Kind regards,
José Alberto Pérez
MBA, University of Liverpool.
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