Apologies for cross-posting... The Strategic Management Society will be hosting a special conference in Tel Aviv on March 9-11, 2014. The conference will include a Doctoral & Thesis Development Workshop to be held on Sunday, March 9th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The coordinators of the consortium are Robert Salomon (NYU) and Niron Hashai (Hebrew University). Faculty facilitators include: Jay Barney (U. of Utah), Xavier Castaner (U. of Lausanne), Michael A. Hitt (Texas A&M), Sarah Kaplan (U. of Toronto), Anita McGahan (U. of Toronto), Will Mitchell (Duke), Zur Shapira (NYU), and J. Myles Shaver (U. of Minnesota). The SMS Tel Aviv Conference Doctoral & Thesis Development Workshop will be most valuable to Ph.D. candidates interested in conducting cutting-edge research in strategy and related areas. The international panel of senior faculty members leading the workshop will discuss promising areas for research and insights into the publication process. The Doctoral & Thesis Development Workshop will be comprised of three components: — "Current and future themes in Strategy" — Panelists will present their views of emerging "hot" topics in the general management field, and students will be invited to suggest ideas and jointly speculate how they may play in the wider audience of strategy research. — "Getting published in top journals" — Panelists will share their thoughts on techniques for (1) framing research questions, (2) research design, (3) packaging, and (4) dealing with editors and reviewers. — "Thesis Development" — A select group of doctoral students will have an opportunity to present their research and receive guidance and commentary from senior faculty. Selection to present in this portion of the workshop is highly competitive. The application deadline for students wishing to attend the Doctoral & Thesis Development Workshop and present their research during the Thesis Development portion is *September 3*, 2013. Admission preference will be given to students whose research is at the dissertation proposal stage. Doctoral students who do not wish to present their research are still invited to apply to the workshop. The application deadline for students wishing to attend the workshop without presenting during the Thesis Development portion is *January 15*, 2014. For further information about the workshop, and to apply, please visit the workshop website at http://telaviv.strategicmanagement.net/doctoral_workshop/index.php Students attending the Doctoral & Thesis Development Workshop must register for the SMS special conference in Tel Aviv. Student discount rates apply. A 50% reduction on conference registration fees will be offered to students presenting their research at the Thesis Development workshop. If you have any questions about the workshop, please e-mail Robert Salomon at [log in to unmask] or Niron Hashai at [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.