Greetings: The AIB-Australia and New Zealand Chapter will hold its Annual Symposium on Friday, 22 November 2013 at the Newcastle Business School, The University of Newcastle, Australia. Details are attached and you are invited to submit abstracts by 30th September. This annual event has, over the last few years, manifested itself as a valuable opportunity to obtain collegial feedback on ongoing research. It provides a forum to develop future journal articles and research book publications, as well as to network with other researchers working in the area of International Business. Early-mid career academics and PhD students are particularly welcome. The theme of the symposium − ‘Interdisciplinary Research in International Business’ − is deliberately broad. This year’s symposium hopes to explore the opportunities and implications of the interdisciplinary nature of international business research. Abstracts on other relevant topics are also welcome. One-page abstracts of up to 750 words should be emailed to Stephen Chen at Newcastle Business School ([log in to unmask]). Please include the following in the subject of your email: AIB-ANZ Symposium & <your surname>. Key Dates: ● Due date for abstracts: Monday, 30 September 2013 ● Acceptance Advice: Monday, 14 October 2013 ● Registration: Monday, 28 October 2013 Registration is free for all participants, but participants are responsible for all travel, accommodation and meals, except morning and afternoon tea and coffee on the day, which are complimentary. Any queries about the symposium should be directed to Stephen Chen ([log in to unmask]). This symposium is presented with the support of the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA). Symposium information is also available on the ANZIBA website ( See you in Newcastle in November! With best regards, Beth Elizabeth L Rose AIB-ANZ Chapter Chair