


*** Extended deadline for abstract submission - September 15th, 2013 ***


International Conference “State Capitalism in the New Global Political Economy”


November 21th-24th, 2013

Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada


You are invited to submit an abstract (up to 500 words) by September 15th, 2013 to the international conference of the HEI (Institut québécois des hautes études internationales) on “State Capitalism in the New Global Political Economy”.


State Capitalism could be characterized by a triple role of the state: the state as a “programmer” to guide economic activity, a “protector” to safeguard national economic interests and also a “producer” to create national wealth through state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The objectives of this conference are manifold: to examine characteristics of State Capitalism in the world economy, especially in some emerging countries, to assess its real impact on economic development, to identify its scope to other developing countries, and also to explore the major challenges that it poses to the liberal capitalist model in the world of free-markets. Although not exclusive, the main themes of the conference are:


             State Capitalism in the world: characteristics, impacts, similarities and differences

             New forms of state intervention in economic activities

             Governance and performance of SOEs

             Strategies and behaviors of SOEs in international markets

             Impact of foreign state investments on host countries

             Importance and influence of Sovereign Funds in the global economy

             Issues related to national economic security in the context of globalization

             Political, legal, diplomatic and administrative frameworks adopted by different countries to deal with foreign state investments

             Scope of State Capitalism in some emerging countries to other developing countries

             Challenges of State Capitalism to the liberal capitalist model.


The Conference will include keynote speaker sessions, roundtables, panels and presentations. For further information, please visit the official conference website:  


Confirmed keynote speakers:

        Professor Jeffry Frieden (Department of Government, Harvard University)

        Professor Aldo Musacchio  (Harvard Business School)

        Ms. Clare Akamanzi (CEO, Rwanda Development Board)

        Hon. Pierre S. Pettigrew (Executive advisor at Deloitte and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada)


Key dates:

        September 15th, 2013: New deadline for abstract submission

        September 30th, 2013: Deadline for early bird registration and payment of fees

        October 30th, 2013: New deadline for full paper submission (if you want to have your paper included in the conference proceedings)


We look forward to welcoming you in Quebec City!


Professor Zhan Su


President of the scientific and organizing committee of the conference

Director of Stephen-A.-Jarislowsky Chair in International Business

Laval University, Quebec (Quebec), Canada G1V 0A6

Tel.: 1 418 656 2085. E-mail: [log in to unmask]