Passing this along from Pranoti Asher at AGU:

Consider having your undergraduates submit their abstract to a special session: 

ED043. Undergraduate Geoscience Research and Outreach Posters. 

This poster session will bring together undergraduate student presenters with faculty co-authors to highlight Earth science, geoscience, space science, and geophysics research experiences and outreach efforts. 

Students from community colleges to research institutions, from the freshman through senior years are encouraged to disseminate their original ongoing and completed projects. 

*The first author on the abstract must be an undergraduate student. 

This session is co-sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research-Geoscience Division, Society of Physics Students, the National Science Foundation- Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program, and the American Geophysical Union.

Submit now! The 6 August deadline is just around the corner. Visit:
Pranoti Asher
Manager, Education and Public Outreach
Strategic Communications and Outreach
Ext: 522