

just sharing some information.   :)

有些人可能已经知道Amway并且用过一些它的产品,如果在美国这边想继续用Amway的产品  可以联系我!能拿到打折哦!产品质量绝对可以信任,我个人和我的家人也一直在用。 并且它有"180-day 100% customer   satisfaction guarantee. if you do not positively love your products,   we'll refund your money!"

也有部分人可能会说GNC的产品也不错,但是它不敢保证他的产品是100% Organic的哦,意思就是有人工合成的成分。而且大家可能已经注意到,它的网站常年在打折,而且是很大的折扣,鱼油原价快30刀,常年10刀就能买到。。。。。


对于相同的产品,美国这边比国内的便宜很多,另外Amway US产品几乎全部made in USA (有一些是made in Germany),   很多种产品在国内是买不到的,因为生产技术相当昂贵所以中国没有引进。在Amway官网   几乎所以生活用品都能买到,除了我们熟知的Nutrilite保健品和Artistry化妆品,还有很多很多。(比如清洁用品,洗衣液什么的,还有牙刷牙膏什么的,价钱不贵而且说  得上便宜,相对于超市里卖的高露洁或者汰渍来说。 还有炒锅,菜刀,香水,婴儿用品,厕纸,卫生巾,橄榄油,食品,比如花生酱什么的)

纽崔莱Nutrilite里面有,早餐奶(没空吃早饭的时候喝一杯,营养又能喝  饱),meal bar(很好吃!) 果蔬shots(天然果蔬浓缩,挤入一杯水中就可以和,饮料的味道,具有抗氧化性) 有助于减肥的产品(低卡路里的snack   bar& snack chew好吃又不发胖) ,还有就是Nutrilite 金牌产品,唯一一款能够修复受损DNA的产品!

还有值得一提的是XS energy drink, 15重口味,无糖,靠Vitamin B提神,无害,不像红牛和monster是靠糖和牛磺酸提神,对身体很不好。平时需要熬夜的童鞋们,XS 隆重推荐给你们!

if you want to join us as a individual business owner, I am happy to help you   learn the business and answer any question you have about it!

我的联系方式: [log in to unmask]  ( reply by my emai: [log in to unmask])

Some of you might already familiar with Amway's products. they are great!

it is the ONLY global vitamin and mineral brand to develop SAFE and   EFFECTIVE supplements made from whole PLANT CONCENTRATES-grown,   harvested, and processed on its own certified ORGANIC FARMS, setting it   apart from other makers of dietary supplements.

One of the top 5 global leader in   premium beauty. (the other four are Chanel, Clinique, Estee Lauder and   Lancome) It holds over 200 patents and patents-pending in the skincare   field. It has 180-day, 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, if you do   not positively love your ARTISTRY products, they will refund your   money.  it has over 35 years' experience and over $1.4 billion in global   sales annually. and it has the NO. 1 online beauty sale volume for   years. 

the LEGACY OF CLEAN brand offers a complete range of cleaning products   for every room of your home, including nature-based products originally   introduced in 1959. Legacy of Clean products are super-performers with   more than 50 years of satisfied customers. and they are not expensive!   They will not harm your skin and it is Planet-Friendly.

Hair care products.

Oral care products.

body care products.

Fragrances & Nail Color. Baby food and wipes, Tampons, Sun lotion,   Candles, Bath tissue, paper towels, Food storage sets, Pet food, peanut   butter......

almost everything you need in daily life, you can find on
and contact me for getting DISCOUNTS on EVERYTHING! 

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