Please post.
Please see below the advertisement for two positions. In addition to the
ad, please note the following as well
1. North Central College offers a sabbatical
term every 4 years for all tenured faculty.
2. North Central College offers up to a
term of teaching release for approved professional development projects to
Junior and Senior faculty.
3. Competitive summer research grants available for approved proposals.
Preliminary Screening will take place at AOM (Orlando)
North Central College invites applications for two tenure-track
positions in the Department of Management and Marketing, beginning Fall,
2014. Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor is
anticipated. A Ph. D in Management or a related Business discipline must
be in hand by September 1, 2014. Candidates for the first position will
be expected to teach at least three Leadership courses (Global Leadership) as part of the
undergraduate/graduate course load. Candidates for the second position
will be expected to teach courses in Entrepreneurship and/or International
Business-Management-related topics as part of their load.
Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a commitment to
excellence in teaching and scholarship in these sub-specialties and who possess
strong communication skills and the ability to interact effectively with the
business community.
North Central
College, founded in 1861, is a selective, comprehensive liberal arts
institution of 3000 students, located in west suburban Naperville, a
dynamic city of 144,000, 28 miles west of Chicago, along the
Illinois research and development corridor and within walking distance of the
Naperville Metra station. For more information about the College, see
Applicants should submit a letter of application that
specifies the position emphasis, a curriculum vitae, statement of teaching
interests and philosophy, and three letters of recommendation to Robert
Moussetis, Chair, Department of Management and Marketing, c/o Academic
Affairs Office, North Central College, 30 N. Brainard Street, Naperville,
IL 60540, or send them in electronic form to Cheryl Horton at
[log in to unmask] For further information, please email Professor
Moussetis at [log in to unmask] Preliminary
screening may be possible at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management in Orlando. Review of applications will begin September
16, 2013, and will continue until the positions are filled. Applicants
who would enrich the diversity of the campus community are strongly encouraged
to apply. EOE.