I am working on the lit review for subjects that compares the behavior of subjects in  India and the USA. While I am convinced that India is a crucial part of our global future, I need 2 or 3 articles to punch home the message that India is a key global player in professional services and a major recipient of US outward FDI or professional outsourcing. So as usual I am appealing to my most trusted source of knowledge, My AIB colleagues. So anyone got any suggestions.


Stephen B. Salter

Stephen B. Salter Ph.D
Professor of Accounting & Endowed Chair of Western Hemispheric Trade/
Profesor de la Contabilidad y del Comercio Hemisférico Occidental
Department of Accounting
University of Texas at El Paso
El Paso TX 79968-0542
Phone : (915) 747-7755
Fax : (915) 747-8618


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