A neighbor used (he’s passed on now) to put seaweed mulch on his sandy soil and he had the best garden in the area. Hope it finds a home.


Christine Parker

From: LeRoy Harvey [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 12:48 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: seaweed mulch?


Dear Gardening/Farmer Friends,


There will be several tons of plant material (seaweed/Eurasion milfoil) collected in the next few days from Lake Lansing…  potentially looking for a home…

Apparently it can be used as a mulch and has advantages in that the seeds can’t germinate on land.  See excerpt below from http://www.chelseagreen.com/bookstore/item/organic_soilfertility_and_weed_management:paperback


cid:<a href=[log in to unmask]">


The harvester could potentially deliver quantities… (6 cu yards est?) in the Lansing area.  If you have an interest, please contact [log in to unmask]    and cc [log in to unmask] if you don’t mind.







LeRoy Harvey
[log in to unmask]





PS  My hunch is that the nutrient benefits of mulch would far outweigh any potentially trace herbicides present in the seaweed, but I can’t find much info on this. 


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