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Dear AIB Members:

Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR) (printed and online) is looking for academics interested in serving as an Associate Editors and Peer Reviewers.

JEECAR is a multi-disciplinary scholarly, high quality, peer-reviewed journal, for submission on topics of economics, finance and management in key fields of Eastern European and Central Asian business and national political economies. Accepted manuscripts will be published in a printed journal issued twice a year, however, all submission will be published in an online version immediately as soon as approved by Editor.

The journal web site mockup is complete, and can be reviewed at All applicants for editorial positions will be given temporary access information. JEECAR will be up and ready to receive manuscripts in July of this year (2013). An Editorial Board of Advisors, consisting of distinguished experts among academics and practitioners specializing on business topics of Easter European and Central Asian region, is being assembled. We are currently seeking qualified academics for the following Associate Editor positions:

All who are interested in above listed positions at JEECAR please submit by email your letter of interest and CV to [log in to unmask] .

The due date to submit an application is 1st July, 2013.


Nikolay Megits, Ph.D.

Editing Manager

ISSN 2328-8272 (print)

ISSN 2328-8280 (online)

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