

All … Volume 26 of AIM is now available at

The title of the volume is Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management

The contents of note are below 

Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management
Timothy M. Devinney, Torben Pedersen, Laszlo Tihanyi (pp. xv - xvi)

From the American Challenge to the Dragons at Your Door: Forty Years of Work on the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise
Jean-François Hennart (pp. 5 - 34)

Internalization Theory as the General Theory of International Strategic Management: Jean-François Hennart’s Contributions
Alain Verbeke, Jenny Hillemann (pp. 35 - 52)

Jean-François Hennart: Types of Research, Qualities and Contributions
Arjen H.L. Slangen (pp. 53 - 64)

Do We Do Science? Philosophy and Knowledge in International Business and Management
Timothy M. Devinney, Torben Pedersen, Laszlo Tihanyi (pp. 67 - 87)

Inherited Philosophy of Science? Economics and International Business Research
Asmund Rygh (pp. 91 - 125)

The Road to Relevance
Yair Aharoni (pp. 127 - 169)

Why Baseline Modelling is Better than Null-Hypothesis Testing: Examples from International Business Research
Andreas Schwab, William H. Starbuck (pp. 171 - 195)

Ontology and IB: Re-Imagining the Multinational
Brent Burmester (pp. 197 - 218)

The Philosophy of Turning Points: A Case of De-Internationalization
Romeo V. Turcan (pp. 219 - 235)

Do We Really Understand a Research Topic? Finding Answers through Meta-Analyses
Timothy M. Devinney, Ryan W. Tang (pp. 239 - 262)

Meta-Analytic Research in International Business and International Management
Peter J. Buckley, Timothy M. Devinney, Ryan W. Tang (pp. 263 - 297)

International Business Research: Understanding Past Paths to Design Future Research Directions
Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Nuno Rosa Reis, Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de Almeida, Fernando Ribeiro Serra (pp. 299 - 330)

Progress, Maturity or Exhaustion? Sources and Modes of Theorizing on the International Strategy – Performance Relationship (1990–2011)
Xavier Martin, Koen van den Oever (pp. 331 - 361)

What Do We Know about the Success and Failure of International Joint Ventures? In Search of Relevance and Holism
Michael Nippa, Schon Beechler (pp. 363 - 396)

What Do We Know about Going Global Early? Liabilities of Foreignness and Early Internationalizing Firms
Lydia Bals, Heather Berry, Evi Hartmann, Gordian Raettich (pp. 397 - 433)

International Technology Transfer and its Implications to Dominant Design Theory
Olavi Uusitalo (pp. 435 - 467)

What Do We Know About Post-Merger Integration Following International Acquisitions?
Christina Öberg, Shlomo Yedidia Tarba (pp. 469 - 492)

Timothy M. Devinney
Professor of Strategy
The University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123, Broadway | NSW | 2007

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