Dear colleagues and friends,


it is still time for you to participate in the 8th SKM Symposium & 2nd CBSM Conference that will take place in Magdeburg (Germany) from September 18th to September 20th, 2013.  Due to numerous requests  we decided to enhance the submission deadline for abstracts, new submission deadline is now June 21st, 2013.  We already received a  lot of submissions – but we are still looking for interesting contributions that fit into the event topic Competence-based Management in Cross-border Settings: Organizational Learning, Strategy, and Governance. All the members of the local organizing team do their best to make the event a great success.  The eight conference tracks provide multiple opportunities for discussions on interesting and recent topics stemming from the field of competence-based strategic management.  An interesting social program  accompanies the scientific program so that there is the chance to get in touch with each other. Detailed information on the 8th SKM Symposium & 2nd CBSM Conference is provided in the Call for Papers you find attached to this email. You are also invited to visit our webpage and/or to follow us on facebook: .


So please have in mind: NEW DEADLINE for abstract submissions (500 words) is  June 21st, 2013.  We are really looking forward to your contributions and hope to see you in Magdeburg in September.


Best regards,


Sven M. Laudien  


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Chair in International Management


Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven  M. Laudien

Universitätsplatz 2

39106 Magdeburg, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)391-67-18789
Fax: + 49 (0)391-67-11162
SSRN (most recent papers):


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