


日期 Time: 週六 Saturday, June 1, 10:00am - 4:00pm
地點 Location: 彌陀村 Amitabha Village Retreat Center (see direction below)
主辦單位 Sponsor: Lansing Buddhist Association蘭莘學佛會

蘭莘學佛會邀請您本週六, 6月 1日,於彌陀村,參加每月一日念佛共修。 參與者無需參加全程。


To rejuvenate yourself and give a blessing to others, Lansing Buddhist
Association invite you to attend the One-Day Amitabha Chanting Retreat on
Saturday, 6/1/13.  Participants are not expected to attend the full course
of the retreat.

The detailed schedule is as following: 念佛一日共修課程

Saturday週六, 6/1/13
10:00am - 11:35am   第一節 1st Session
11:45am - 12:00pm   午供 Food Offerings to Buddhas (chanting)
12:00pm - 1:00pm     素食午餐 Vegetarian Lunch
01:30pm - 02:40pm   第二節 2nd Session
02:50pm - 04:00pm   第三節 3rd Session

Each session includes chanting, walking meditation
(circumambulation), prostration, and sitting meditation.

每節包括念佛、繞佛、拜佛、坐念。 活動免費,歡迎參加。

Free & Open to all.  If you need a ride, please call
to arrange a ride.  Please feel welcome to join us!

如需載送,請聯絡 Contact Persons:
李麗華 Lisa Kong (517) 614-4363
簡昭楠 James & 周嬌娥 Nancy Jean (517) 349-6441
陳重文 Chung-Wen Chen & 吳俐娜 Lina Wu (517) 351-7077

彌陀村 Amitabha Village Retreat Center, 14796 Beardslee Rd., Perry, Michigan
Direction to Amitabha Village (map on Website): I-96 exit 117
(Williamston) to Williamston Rd
(north) for app.. 6.5 miles, Williamston Rd ends and becomes Beardslee Rd,
the forth house on the left.
電話Tel: (517) 292-3110
網址Website: <>
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