Suffolk University, Boston, May 29-30, 2014
Cross-sector partnerships have become an essential strategic tool for organizations around the globe. Business organizations, non-profits, governmental agencies, and communities increasingly realize the value
of collaboration with organizations from other sectors as a means to access key resources they do not possess, and to pursue objectives they could not achieve on their own (Austin
& Seitanidi, 2012; Dahlberg, 2007;
Kolk, Dolen, & Vock, 2010;
Kolk, Van Tulder, & Kostwinder, 2008;
Parker, 2003;
Seitanidi & Ryan, 2007;
Waddock, 1988). At the same time, the vastly different organizational logics of these sectors make collaboration particularly challenging (Dahan,
Doh, Oetzel, & Yaziji, 2010;
Rivera-Santos & Rufín, 2011;
Selsky & Parker, 2005).
Started in 2007, the symposia on Cross Sector Social Interactions (CSSI) aim to bring together academics and practitioners in the field of CSSI every two years in order to discuss and share insights from both
theory and practice. Building on this momentum, the 4th International Symposium on Cross Sector Social Interactions will take stock of advances in CSSI since the previous symposium in 2012, and will bring together scholars and practitioners to develop not
only knowledge and concepts, but also tools and methods.
In spite of a rapidly growing literature, many of the dimensions and implications of partnering across sectors still remain to be explored. In particular, we are only beginning to understand the specificities
of innovation through cross-sector collaboration. For this Symposium, we would like to bring an innovation perspective to the study of CSSI, and to especially consider CSSI not only as innovative forms of collaboration that transcend institutional boundaries
in themselves, but also as sources of specific innovations for complex problems (Le Ber & Branzei, 2010a;
Le Ber & Branzei, 2010b;
Murphy, Perrot, & Rivera-Santos, 2012). As recent and rapidly evolving forms of organizational architecture, CSSI can be usefully regarded as specific
forms of innovation. Such an approach offers the potential to bring the rich scholarship on innovation to bear on the analysis of CSSI; conversely, it can also bring important new insights from CSSI to the scholarship and practice of innovation. For example,
the innovation literature has paid a lot of attention to the development of teams composed by individuals of deliberately diverse backgrounds and capabilities (Cohen
& Levinthal, 1990; Gruber, MacMillan, & Thompson, 2013), who can not only generate new ideas through the recombination and juxtaposition
of previously unconnected concepts, but who can also examine innovative concepts from a variety of lenses, such as the social good perspective of non-profit organizations and the emphasis on scalability of many business firms, identifying blind spots and potential
pitfalls. In our contemporary world, where “distance” is diminishing in more than just a physical sense, so that organizations of all kinds are coming into contact with other organizations that follow vastly different logics, cross-sector collaboration can
help individuals and organizations make better sense of this growing complexity, as we further elaborate below.
Yet the management of such diversity poses tremendous challenges for the innovation process. Likewise, CSSI initiatives bring together persons from very different backgrounds, and thus face significant obstacles
regarding communication, development of trust, and other factors required for the success of these initiatives. In what ways do CSSI resemble other forms of innovation? What can the innovation literature tell us about how organizations should approach and
structure initiatives that involve CSSI? What is unique about CSSI as innovations that can expand our understanding of innovation processes? How do specific innovations stemming from CSSIs tackle complex problems?
In our view, a fundamental element in searching for answers to these questions is the institutional diversity that is innate to CSSI. We are referring here not only to the institutional logics of different organizations
of different sectors—business vs. non-profit vs. public—but also, the types of institutional divides encountered across the space of geography and level of economic development (Rivera-Santos,
Rufín, & Kolk, 2012). These divides are growing more prominent as business organizations from the developed world increasingly interact with low-income communities in developing countries. In these communities, a complex and unstable blend of institutions—local,
national, and supranational—frequently coexist side by side. How do the pre-existing innate institutional divides affect CSSI when they produce innovative ventures? What are the elements of innovative processes that are able to resolve institutional conflicts
and contradictions? Can conflicting institutional logics be recombined to yield innovative and sustainable organizational forms? These are some of the questions that we invite scholars and practitioners to examine in the 4th CSSI Symposium.
Our intention is to consider a variety of forms of submission to the symposium in order to provide a forum for research at a variety of stages of development, and for researchers at different career stages. We
particularly encourage proposals from doctoral and early career researchers. Reflecting this, the symposium welcomes both extended abstracts (600-1,000 words) and poster proposals (600 words - a physical poster will be required if selected, with further details
to be provided to the selected abstracts). Abstracts should provide a brief overview of your work and/or present interim research findings. Accepted abstract submissions will be offered the opportunity to present their research (around 15 minutes of presentation
time) in workshop sessions at the symposium. Accepted posters will be exhibited at the symposium space providing opportunities for scholars to interact and discuss their latest research with the symposium participants. We welcome academic and practitioner
research on the symposium topic. Following the selection of papers and posters, authors will be invited to submit their full paper by late June 2014.
As in previous years, papers submitted to the Symposium will be eligible for the Routledge Best Paper Award in Social Partnership, comprising a certificate to the recipient, a voucher for £100 books by Taylor
& Francis Group, and a one-year subscription to Academy of Management Annals.
The best papers will be candidates for inclusion in a Special Issue of a highly-ranked academic journal in a field related to CSSI, or/and in an edited volume.
The deadline for submission of paper and poster abstracts is
February 28, 2014. Submissions should be sent as an attachment in MS Word or pdf format to
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Miguel Rivera-Santos Carlos Rufín
Associate Professor of Strategic Management Associate Professor of International Business
EMLYON Business School (France) and Suffolk University (USA)
Babson College (USA)
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Austin, J. E. & Seitanidi, M. M. 2012.
Collaborative Value Creation: A Review of Partnering Between Nonprofits and Businesses: Part I. Value Creation Spectrum and Collaboration Stages.
Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 41(5): 726-758.
Waddock, S. A. 1988. Building Successful Social Partnerships.
Sloan Management Review, 29(4): 17-23.