Please post. Thanks.

Dear colleagues,
The second issue of The International Trade Journal’s 27th volume has just been published.
We are pleased to forward the table of contents of the current issue. If you are interested in receiving a complimentary copy, or to review manuscripts, please contact us. We also encourage you to submit articles and to serve as a manuscript reviewer.
Thank you for your support.
Professor Tagi Sagafi-nejad
The Radcliffe Killam Distinguished Professor of International Business,
Director, Center for the Study of Western Hemispheric Trade - HTTP://
Director, International Trade Institute
Editor, International Trade Journal-
The A. R. Sanchez, Jr., School of Business,Texas A&M International University
5201 University Boulevard, Laredo, Texas 78041-1900
Tel: (956) 326 - 2547 Fax: (956) 326 - 2544 - E-mail: [log in to unmask]

The International Trade Journal
Texas A&M International University
Volume 27, Number 2         
April – June 2013
Pravakar Sahoo,
“The Growing Dominance of China in South Asia: An Indian Perspective”
Martin A. Andresen,
“A Robust Solution for the Canada-United States Border Puzzle”
Osama D. Sweidan,
“The Effect of Exchange Rate on Exports and Imports: The Case of Jordan”
Eugenia da Coneicao-Heldt,
“The Domestic Sources of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Explaining Brazil’s Negotiating Position in the Doha Round”  
[Taylor & Francis – The Routledge Group, publishers]
This issue can be electronically accessed at:

From the Editor:

The International Trade Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (April – June 2013)
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the second issue of the Journal’s 27th year of publication. Subjects covered in this volume span the globe, from Canada and the United States to China, India, Jordan, and Brazil.
First to China and India, where Sahoo treats the growing dominance of China in South Asia from an Indian perspective. The topic is especially timely given the traditional and intensified competition between these nations, two of the biggest emerging markets. The author reviews each country’s trade relations in a regional context, then employs a Trade Complementarity Index (TCI) and examines the export competitiveness of each country in world trade and in South Asia. He examines the two countries’ top exports, analyzes the data by industry, and proceeds to study their investments in the region. He concludes by highlighting the importance of factors such as price competitiveness and knowledge of local markets and by making policy recommendations for India.

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