Attached is a call for suggestions relating to the Australia Business Dean's Council list/ratings of journals.  If you want to make a submission please do so as this has implications for scholars not just in Australia but elsewhere as these list are contagious in the sense that one listing influences another.

The information on sumissions is given below.  You are free to also circulate on other listservs as they are keen to get a broad sampling of opinion.  Note that this includes over-rated and under-rated journals.


Submissions are now open for the 2013 Review of the ABDC Journal List. Your assistance in ensuring this announcement is widely circulated, would be much appreciated.
How to make a submission
Before making a submission, we ask all submitters to read the ‘Instructions to Submitters’ document on the ABDC website. All submissions must be lodged on the appropriate form to [log in to unmask]by COB 31 May (EST)Please note, all submissions will be publicly available.

Submissions will be reviewed during June-July by the review panels and the BARDsNet Executive. A draft list will be publicly available on the ABDC website for comment 1-31 August and an external review will also occur during this period.  The final revised list will be published and announced in September.
The review panel
The ABDC is pleased to announce the appointment of the following senior academics as review panel chairs, with Professor Robert Faff as the overall chair:
• 0806 Information Systems – Professor Julie Fisher (Monash University)
• 1401-1499 Economics – Professor Ian King (The University of Melbourne)
• 1501 Accounting – Professor Ken Trotman (The University of New South Wales)
• 1502 Finance  – Professor Robert Faff (The University of Queensland)
• 1503 Management – Professor Neil Askanasy (The University of Queensland)
• 1504-07 Marketing/Tourism/Logistics – Professor Geoff Soutar (The University of Western Australia)
• 180105/180125 Business and Taxation Law – Professor Margaret McKerchar (The University of New South Wales)
For further information
If after reviewing the ABDC website and the ‘Instruction to Submitters’ document, you have a query, please contact [log in to unmask]. Panel members have been instructed to re-direct all queries centrally to assist us in developing a Q&A webpage and in providing consistent and timely responses. Sending emails directly to panel members may result in a delayed response.
Kind regards
Fiona Doyle
Executive Officer
Australian Business Deans Council
Australian Universities Centre, 1 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600
T: 0400 551 442  | E: [log in to unmask]  | W: 
Office hours: 9.00am–5.30pm, Monday, Tuesday and Friday


Timothy M. Devinney
Professor of Strategy

The University of Technology, Sydney

PO Box 123, Broadway | NSW | 2007

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