Dear Colleagues,
I was going to use the subject "Just when you thought they weren't paying attention," but decided against it.
My normally detached students have brought up, at different times in the last week, some serious flaw in what many see as a key IB text - i.e. Griffin, R., and Pustay, M. (2013) International Business. Harlow, England: Pearson. Global Edition.
The key contention relates to Map 4.4 entitled "A synthesis of country clusters" (see p. 126) where Arab Clusters included both Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. Surprise, surprise, Qatar was clearly left out.
Just after class today, another student suggested that Griffin and Pustay might have lifted the clustering without checking the facts, from Ronen and Shenkar (1985) paper in the Academy of Management Review, Vol. 10(3) where upon checking this out I quite agreed because the evidence is on p. 445 of this seminal article.
I need to
get back to my students after your responses have been received.
"Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter" - Achebe (R.I.P.)
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