Dear Geo-Ed community, 

No doubt each of you knows what a challenge (i.e. drag) it is to search for scientifically accurate and effective online materials for teaching. Good news - the CLEAN group (Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network) has developed a rigorous peer-review process for vetting free online materials in climate science and energy.  Out of 14,000+ reviewed materials, about 500 have been accepted into the collection.  

Consider bookmarking to find these resources, learn about teaching climate and energy principles, and connecting to the CLEAN Network.  If you'd like more information on the peer-review process for these online materials, let me know.


Valerie Sloan, Ph.D. | CLEAN Project | CIRES Education and Outreach| University of Colorado at Boulder


The CLEAN project offers the following resources and support:

1. The CLEAN search engine directs you to annotations and links for 500+ vetted, online activities, videos, and visualizations on climate and energy for grades 6 - 16.  These resources have been hand-picked and peer-reviewed by scientists for accuracy and teachers for classroom effectiveness.  

2. The CLEAN site provides guidance on teaching climate and Energy Science.  Learn more about these scientific principles, why they are important and challenging to teach, strategies for teaching age groups, and find relevant activities, videos, and visualizations for each principle.  

3. Join the vibrant CLEAN Network with updates on educational policies and science, discussions with experts, conference & workshop announcements, and weekly telecons (Tuesdays at 1 pm ET). 

CLEAN: Share with others, and bookmark it for yourself!

The CLEAN project is lead by TERC in Cambridge, MA, CIRES at the University of Colorado and SERC at Carleton College, MN.
Funded by NSF, NOAA, & Dept. of Energy
CLEAN: Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network